It’s time to Thrive! Will you be one of our Conference Presenters in 2020?
The Australian and New Zealand Type communities are coming together for Thrive: AusAPT in Auckland 2020 on 5-8 November and we are inviting you to submit your Session Proposal to be a presenter at the conference.
The Australian Association of Psychological Type (AusAPT) expands the knowledge of psychological type and supports the ethical use of psychological type and type instruments.
Bringing our community and conference presenters together every year is at the heart of what we do, and our conference curation continues to improve year on year. To help us help you, and our conference delegates, we have streamlined our guidelines, submission and selection processes. You can submit your proposal online in 2020.
Organising a conference in these challenging times of COVID-19 impacts means we need to be ready to shift to different ways of connecting and offering community. This is built into our contingency planning including the option of going to a virtual conference if required. Whichever way we eventually go, our presenters are always critical and central to our conference and community and we invite your submissions to present.
Further details about the conference can be found here:
We are monitoring the current situation and considering the impacts of the Coronavirus in our planning for THRIVE AusAPT in NZ 2020.Given the current uncertainties, the due date for presenter proposals has been extended to 30 April.This will give the AusAPT National and Conference Committees time to review the situation further then.If you are interested in presenting, this gives you more time to draft and submit a conference session proposal. We encourage you to submit. We know these are uncertain times but you have nothing to lose by submitting and indicating your intentions and expertise. You’ll have staked a claim (more…)
ANGELINA BENNET (INTJ), Past President, British Association for Psychological Type (BAPT)This article first appeared in TYPEFACE, the journal of the British Association of Psychological Type, Vol 31, no 1, Winter 2020, 22-24 and is reproduced here with kind permission of BAPT and the author.The AusAPT Conferences have been going from strength to strength over the last few years. I attended my first official AusAPT Conference in 2017, having co-presented the Best of British mini conference the previous year with Susan Nash. Since then there has been a noticeable increase in the number of international experts from all over the world (more…)
Jane Kise joins us at the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 from the US to present on ‘Three Keys to Effective Type Exercises‘: “Making type visible through exercises is a key tool for helping individuals and teams improve ability to communicate, collaborate, and change. However, there’s a world of difference between conducting an exercise and facilitating it successfully to change people’s mindsets. We’ll explore how to choose the “right” exercise, form groups (especially when not all types are present), and debrief. “Jane provides this article on ‘Taking Type Exercises from Good to Great’ as background for her presentation in (more…)
We are excited to publish our first article on the new AusAPT website blog today. Over the next months, as we head towards the AusAPT National Conference in November in Melbourne, we will be featuring articles and thought pieces from our speakers. The AusAPT blog is a place for new and featured articles on type and its applications. We hope you will bookmark our website and return to read, learn and share articles on psychological type. Our first featured article is by Peter Geyer. Custodian of the AusAPT Type Research and Practice Collection and AusAPT Life Member, Peter will present (more…)
November 22, 2019
9:00 am
November 23, 2019
4:30 pm AEDT
The 2019 AusAPT conference will be held at the Amora Riverwalk Hotel in Melbourne from Friday 22 – Saturday 23 November.
There will also be stand-alone workshops on Thursday 21 and Sunday 24th November.
We are delighted to share our conference program in full with you. You can click on the image to open a version you can click on to enlarge and right click to save and download.
The following local and international presenters will lead us as we pursue our conference theme: ‘Going Deeper’:
From Australia: Imogen Lamport and Jill Chivers Evelynne Joffe Terri Connellan Peter Malone Daniel Blashki Ian Ball Mary McGuiness Rhonda Sparks-Tranks Julie Andrews Meredith Fuller and Brian Walsh Peter Geyer Dr Kay Distel Sue White Alex MacFarlane Sue Daniels
From the UK: Catherine Stothart
From New Zealand: Sue Blair
From the USA: Jane Kise Dario Nardi Susan Nash Sterling Bates
Our Presenters have been selected for their ability and enthusiasm to lead us in one of three conference workshop streams: Deep Experience; Deep Practice and Deep Knowledge.
Here is the detailed session information for Day 1 22 November:
Session Title
Dario Nardi
Brains, Type, and Teams in Organizations
Who gets on well with whom? Is there a neuroscience of teams? We will explore how people’s brains compare when working together. Anecdotes and colorful slides will convey key lessons for organizations and leaders. This is based on 13 years of imaging data on diverse teams. Beyond type, individual differences and type development also matter.
Imogen Lamport and Jill Chivers
16 Style Types – More Than Skin Deep
What you wear communicates before you open your mouth. This session is for anyone who wears clothing and is interested to learn more about how your clothing affects your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, the way style and psychological type are deeply connected, and how your style can be expressed in an authentic way.
Sue Blair
Learning Challenges and Misinterpretations
Everyone knows someone who has struggled through the education system. There are many reasons for this, but the patterns we can see through the application of Type are proven, consistent, thought-provoking and somewhat alarming! This session will outline the challenges and explore ways to navigate the issues to find diverse and effective solutions.
Alex MacFarlane
Deeper Understanding of Holistic Mental Health and Growth from a Temperament and Type Perspective
Over the past decade there has been an increasing depth of understanding of the links between mental and physical health and personal growth from a holistic (mind-body-spirit) position. This presentation will discuss these links as they relate to psychological type, temperament, stages of development, and the individuation process.
Daniel Blashki
The Monomyth in Media: How Type Influences our Hero’s Journey
Modern media takes myth and recognisable patterns of type behaviour to create relatable stories with which we resonate. Delve into the Campbell’s monomyth and collective archetypal patterns through examples in Game of Thrones and popular film franchises, with ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ heroic round-table activities that investigate type preferences in the call to adventure of your own journey.
Peter Malone
Can I Use Movies to Explore Type?
Insights into how movies dramatize Type, discussion, helps for techniques in conducting sessions. We check our responses to movies, look at and discuss clips illustrating aspects of Type, try our abilities at recognising aspects without any labelling, formulate a method for leading seminars on Type and Movies. For all practitioners – and movie buffs!
Sue White
Type Goes to Book Group
Merve Emre’s book ‘What’s Your Type?’ is a controversial new publication about the MBTI. It made my mind buzz and I’m keen to discuss that buzz with other readers. Bring your own copy (cost approx 32.99AUD) and let’s have a stimulating Book Group responding and exploring the content, ideas and criticisms she raises, and you’ve identified!
Evelynne Joffe
The Fool’s Journey using Tarot Archetypes
We will explore the Fool’s Journey using archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the process towards individuation and wholeness through the journey. Each of these 22 cards represents a lesson the soul must learn in order to individuate, to become an authentic Self.
Sterling Bates
Going into Best Fit – We Are All Doing it Wrong
As type experts, it’s critical to help others go through a “best- fit” process. What if the type community is approaching best-fit from the wrong direction for the 21st century? Discover what years of research have revealed about using digital games, tools and technology in best-fit. Learn what still works from the old best-fit process.
Mary McGuiness
Transformation at Midlife: The Transcendent Function
The Individuation process integrates the contents of the unconscious and brings together all aspects of the individual into a complete, whole and conscious Self. At midlife this leads to the emergence of the Transcendent Function. bringing a new consciousness of soul. In this session, we will explore this process and how to facilitate this transformation.
Meredith Fuller and Brian Walsh
LOVE: Family of ORIGIN and Partner Attraction
We will look at family of origin Types (the family you grew up with), and the nature of your relationship with each member – did you go with, go against, or withdraw from? How might these themes relate to that unconscious instant attraction we feel towards potential partners? Privately, participants will draw family trees, have a guesstimate of family members (for those of us who haven’t already typed them!) and explore the relationship dynamics.
Jane Kise
Three Keys to Effective Type Exercises
Making type visible through exercises is a key tool for helping individuals and teams improve ability to communicate, collaborate, and change. However, there’s a world of difference between conducting an exercise and facilitating it successfully to change people’s mindsets. We’ll explore how to choose the “right” exercise, form groups (especially when not all types are present), and debrief.
Here is the detailed session information for Day 2 23 November:
Session Title
Roger Pearman
Evidence of the Validity of Type from Multi-Rater Data
Breakfast Session: Virtual presentation of a summary report of 360 data collected from people around the globe to look at evidence of the validity of Type. The first public presentation of this information, the international TypeStudy Research Project was designed to collect both self-report and observer-report data which provides useful evidence for considering the validity of Type.
Ian Ball
John Beebe’s Eight Function-Attitude Archetype Model – Revisited
The session draws on materials developed by the late Andrew Gibson and recent writing by Mark Hunziker. The model identifies archetypes that guide the way the eight function-attitudes are expressed within a single, individual psyche. Two case studies: ISFP and ENFJ will illustrate the model. Does this model advance our understanding of ourselves and others?
Sue Daniels
The Influence of Type on Career Success
Today’s careers are influenced by many external factors that are out of our control such as: globalisation; corporate change and technology. However, internal factors such as preferences, can influence career satisfaction. This session will explore techniques and tips on how to apply type knowledge in a career context, at any stage of your work life.
Susan Nash
Temperament Separate to Type – An Additional Tool for Enhancing Type Applications
Temperament is a separate type theory that provides an understanding of four patterns of differing needs, values, talents and behaviors. In this session, we will explore how to apply Temperament to clarify best-fit type, provide new applications for type-knowledgeable groups, introduce Temperament to new groups, and understand innate stress patterns and responses.
Kay Distel
The Elusive Other – Coming to our Senses and Cognition
Have you ever felt what a person is saying is not sinking in? Or have you been told to listen when you thought you were? Mishear what people are saying? We will unpack these issues by experiences of deep listening; explore our physiology, its impact on personality and interactions to broaden your understanding of the connection between self-regulation, and mindfulness. Expect to participate in a serious and fun presentation!
Julie Andrews
Alone Together: Artist in Transit
This session focuses on research undertaken on a train carriage, a trance inducing in-between space, where passengers were encouraged to draw what they think, feel or see, while travelling. This session includes a drawing activity that asks you to consider how art in everyday spaces might enhance our noticing and appreciation of the liminal experience.
Rhonda Sparks-Tranks
Developing the “We and the I” with the KGI™ – using the Klein Group Instrumentfor Effective Leadership and Participation in Teams
Explore how you can use this cost-effective, MBTI-correlated assessment instrument in counselling, coaching, training and team development. How do the model, scales and structure of the reports work to transform leadership and empower teams? Samples and case studies will deepen understanding. Approaches and techniques developed by Rhonda and Dr Robert Klein will be shared.
Peter Geyer
A Dispassionate Look at Psychological Type and Emotion
Psychological type and emotions are not merely topics for questionnaires; they represent particular aspects of personality within a range of interpretations, especially for emotions. These differences for both type and emotion are explained in this session, as well as how emotions can play out in a type context.
Terri Connellan
Learned Wisdom: Journeys in Type and Transition
Presentation, discussion and activity-based session exploring perspectives from personal experience, life coaching and applications of type to support positive life transitions. It shows how type provides a practical framework for deepening strengths and self-leadership and for harnessing less-preferred areas to provide balance for a more wholehearted life.
Catherine Stothart
Closing the Influence Gap How Type helps you get on better with yourself and others
How is it that we don’t always achieve the outcomes we want when we interact with others? There is often a disconnect between our positive intentions and the sometimes less than positive impact we have on others. We will discuss how the Interaction Styles framework helps us to be more emotionally intelligent and close the influence gap.
Whether you are person who shares our fascination with Type
as it applies in our daily lives, a Type facilitator looking for ideas to
improve their practice or someone who wishes to deepen their knowledge about
the world of Psychological Type and C.G. Jung, this is the conference for you!
You can sign up for the Conference now to secure your place – just click on ‘Buy Conference Here’ below. Membership costs $99 and you save $100 on the Guest/Non-Members’ rate! To join the conference the rates are: