Midlife Development: A Crisis? A Crash? Or a Cruise? – Angelina Bennet

October 7, 2022 @ 7:45 pm 8:45 pm Australia/Sydney

Midlife is a time when many of us take stock of our life and think about what we want for our future. In this session we will review theories of midlife from the type perspective, consider the possible accelerating impact of the pandemic, and consider how to craft the life we want for ourselves.

After reviewing some of the theories of Type Development, particularly around midlife, we will take a look at the facts that influence our midlife development. With the opportunity to have some small group discussions, participants will be able to share experiences and thoughts on the mid-life stage. In the final part, I will present some ideas about how to coach or develop clients who are already well developed and who may be questioning their career paths and their purpose in life.

Angelina Bennet

Angelina Bennet

Angelina is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and specializes in developing individuals through personality work. She has an occupational psychology business in the UK offering coaching, development and assessment. She also provides type qualification training through Type Pro Ltd. Her other areas of interest centre around people development include transpersonal coaching and the Enneagram. She is a past President of BAPT and the author of ‘The Shadows of Type – Psychological Type through Seven Levels of Development.’

This is a session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members. $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.

Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference

Download a 2 page pdf of the program here:


$100 – $150 $100AU for AusAPT members, other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for 17 sessions


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AusAPT Time & Tide Conference

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Australian APT 2019 National Conference ‘Going Deeper with Psychological Type’ Report – Angelina Bennet

ANGELINA BENNET (INTJ), Past President, British Association for Psychological Type (BAPT)This article first appeared in TYPEFACE, the journal of the British Association of Psychological Type, Vol 31, no 1, Winter 2020, 22-24 and is reproduced here with kind permission of BAPT and the author.The AusAPT Conferences have been going from strength to strength over the last few years. I attended my first official AusAPT Conference in 2017, having co-presented the Best of British mini conference the previous year with Susan Nash. Since then there has been a noticeable increase in the number of international experts from all over the world (more…)