The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Association for Psychological Type Inc will be held on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at 7pm AEDT, 6pm AEST, 5pm JT.
The AGM will be a virtual meeting held via Zoom Conference.
The Zoom link has been sent to life and financial members of the association by email. Members who did not receive the link may request it from the Secretary:
Current financial and life members are cordially invited to attend.
1. Confirmation of Quorum
2. Apologies
Apologies may be notified to
3. Confirmation of Previous AGM Minutes
Minutes of the AGM held on 1st December 2021 are available here:
4. President’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
A copy of the Financial Statements for the 2022 Financial Year and Treasurer’s Report is available here:
6. Confirmation of Management Committee Members 2022 – 2024
The following nominations have been received for office bearer and regional representative roles on AusAPT’s Management Committee for the two-year term commencing from the AGM.
As no role received more than one nomination, elections are not required. Confirmation of the nominees’ appointments to the above roles will be put to a vote of members at the AGM.
President ………….Terri Connellan (supported by Ian Ball and Robyn Mansfield)
Vice President……(no nomination)
Secretary ………….(no nomination)
Treasurer…………Phil Kerr (supported by Meredith Fuller and Peter Geyer)
Representative: New South Wales & ACT…Ellen Owen (supported by Mary McGuiness & Terri Connellan)
Representative: Victoria and Tasmania ……(no nomination)
Representative: International…Harumi Gondo (supported by Terri Connellan & Phil Kerr)
Representative: QLD, WA, SA and NT ……….(no nomination)
Andrew Mountford
Australian Association for Psychological Type Inc.
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