October 8, 2022 @ 11:45 am – 12:45 pm Australia/Sydney
There are many reasons why particular pieces of music attract us and why we go back to those preferences. There are also reasons why particular styles of music are ones we avoid or find unbearable.
In 2006 Elwin Hall and I conducted a workshop at the AusAPT conference exploring these ideas and looked for linkages between one’s preferred type and one’s preferences for music.
This new session for the conference on Time & Tide: Traditions and Trends in Type reviews the research conducted since then and serves as an update on this theme. The new evidence gives much more confidence about the relationships. There has been a reconceptualisation about music preferences and this will be explained in the session.
It is hoped that participants will have a greater appreciation of the linkages between type and preferences for music with particular attributes.

Ian Ball
Ian is a retired Associate Professor from Deakin University. His specialisations were Psychology and Education. He is a Life Member of AusAPT and also a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society.
This is a session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members. $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.
Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference
Download a 2 page pdf of the program here:
Online Event