After four energetic years as president of AusAPT, Terri Connellan has stepped down from that role. Terri has contributed greatly in the development of AusAPT’s social media strategy and presence and revamped our website. She has consolidated relationship with Kelly IT Consulting (our technical support company) and expanding our links with the global type community – especially with BAPT (the British APT) and Japan. Along with Phil Kerr, Terri led us through the Covid years by hosting three on-line conferences (2020 – 2022). She will be forever remembered as ‘the Queen of Pivot!’ We are grateful that Terri will continue as a member of the new management committee for as long as we need her and mentor us to carry on her distinctive areas of expertise as ‘Immediate Past President.’ Huge thanks to you Terri.
We also farewell Ellen Owen who has served on the management committee as NSW Regional Representative since November 2022. Ellen was significantly involved in the success of the 2022 conference. More recently, Peter Geyer has appreciated Ellen’s support in facilitating a Reading Group which has pursued a deeper understanding of Carl Jung’s life and work. It has been one of AusAPT’s significant successes, drawing and maintaining a sizeable cohort of local and international participants over an extended duration.
There were no nominations for the role of president in time for this year’s AGM, Andrew Mountford subsequently accepted a nomination to the casual vacancy of President and was appointed to this role at the management committee held on 16th October (AusAPT Constitution 14 -4).
The newly formed management committee held a face to face meeting in Sydney on Wednesday 24 October (just before this year’s conference). More on the new committee’s plans and a conference coming soon.
Members of the new management committee are:
Andrew Mountford – President
Phil Kerr – Treasurer/Acting Secretary
Terri Connellan – Past President
Harumi Gondo – Regional Representative (International)
Meredith Fuller – Regional Representative (Victoria/Tasmania)

Please note:
- Phil is happy to hand over the role of Secretary.
- Regional Representatives for all other States are welcome to join us.
About Andrew (for those who haven’t met him and those who have forgotten).
In his own words he is a ‘recycled president!’ – having held the position briefly for one year. A Life Member of AusAPT, Andrew served as National Secretary from February 2013 to November 2022. He managed the roles of National Secretary and National President in 2016.
He’s back with energy after transitioning into retirement from the paid workforce, (with his partner Liz) selling the family home of 29 years in Melbourne, moving from Melbourne to the beautiful down of Portarlington on the Bellarine peninsula – half an hour past Geelong – renting a house there during Covid lockdown, buying a house there, falling in love again (first Grandchild Lucy Mae will be two years old in January) and winding up his consulting business.
The only thing to query at this stage is the fact that he has written this ‘press release’ in the third person. Google says that this indicates: (a) ‘A third person narrative shows confidence as and inspires confidence towards you and in others’ or (b) ‘A third person narrative reveals clear signs of narcissism (Donald trump is offered as an example!)’
Feedback welcome at the 2025 AGM.