November 14, 2021 @ 10:15 am – 11:15 am Australia/Sydney
After a year as an MBTI coach, what lessons have been learned?
Topics that will be covered:
*What it’s like to coach someone older than you?
*Where are the new Type enthusiasts making their names known?
*How do you gain traction in a crowded (Type) space?
*How do we fix the disconnect between veterans and amateurs?
*How Type will be applied in the future

Joe Arrigo
Joe Arrigo is a newbie to the professional Type space. What started as a mild interest exploded into an obsession and a coaching business. His goal is to help people find their place in the world by bringing clarity to their personality type. If it can impact a stubborn INTJ like himself, it can certainly do the same for others. He resides primarily on Linkedin and YouTube, and tries to bridge the gap between the Old Guard and New Guard of type.
This session is part of the AusAPT Online 2021 Conference. It’s just $100AU for AusAPT members, ILP members and APT reciprocal members and $150AU for guests for all 21 sessions.
You can find the full conference program and details here:
Or download a PDF copy of the conference program: