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New International Regional Representative on the AusAPT Management Committee

We wish to advise that Harumi Gondo has joined us as the International Regional Representative on the AusAPT Management Committee.The vitality and future of AusAPT depends on the efforts of members including those who volunteer to be part of the Management Committee of AusAPT. So we are very grateful that Harumi has joined us to provide input on AusAPT strategic directions, member priorities and events, especially to advise on behalf of community members who live in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. Harumi GondoHarumi Gondo (ENFJ) is an MBTI Master Practitioner and is also certified with Majors PTI and TypeCoach (more…)
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New NSW/ACT Regional Representative on the AusAPT Management Committee

We wish to advise that Ellen Owen has joined us as the NSW/ACT Regional Representative on the AusAPT Management Committee.The vitality and future of AusAPT depends on the efforts of volunteers including those who volunteer to be part of the Management Committee of AusAPT. So we are very grateful that Ellen has volunteered to join us to lead the NSW/ACT community and events and to be part of the leadership team. A long-standing member of AusAPT, we are already appreciating Ellen’s valuable input and local leadership of AusAPT NSW/ACT.Thank you Ellen!So here is an update of the make-up of the (more…)
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Help AusAPT grow and thrive – join the AusAPT Management Committee

AusAPT AGMThe vitality and future of AusAPT depends on the efforts of volunteers including those who volunteer to be part of the Management Committee of AusAPT. The Committee leads the not for profit organisation’s strategic directions, events and operations.At the November 2020 AGM, a new Management Committee was formed for the period 2020 – 2022. We didn’t fill all positions at that time and a couple of people have resigned since.So we have an opportunity to refresh and revitalise our team and we would love you to join us to help ensure a positive and exciting future for AusAPT and its (more…)