AusAPT 2023 Conference: From Shadows to Showtime

September 1, 2023 @ 9:00 am September 2, 2023 @ 3:30 pm Australia/Brisbane

Program and Presenters

The Australian Association for Psychological Type Inc is pleased to be returning to in-person conferencing this year.

Our 2023 conference, in subtropical Brisbane, will comprise two days of keynote and concurrent sessions over Friday and Saturday, 1–2 September.

Our conference program spans a diverse range of sessions from Australian and international presenters, with new faces alongside familiar names from across the wide world of psychological type. As our keynote speakers we’re honoured to present psychologist and author Dr Angelina Bennet from the UK and the world-renowned Australian type luminary Mary McGuiness.

The conference theme, From Shadows to Showtime, reflects our emergence from the shadows of pandemic back into the spotlight on stage. ‘Shadows’ also commemorates the centenary of publication, in English translation, of CG Jung’s Psychological Types, with Jungian topics featuring in our program. And ‘Showtime’ also acknowledges our conference venue in the midst of Brisbane’s historic showgrounds.

Download a PDF of the program summary above here:

Download a PDF of the detailed session and presenter details here:

Whether you’re a professional user of psychological type or an interested observer of personality types, our program has something for you. Booking are now open, so come and join us for Spring in the Sunshine State.


Registrations are open for AusAPT’s 2023 Conference, From Shadows to Showtime. Your registration covers the two days of conference sessions, including lunches on both days, and the conference dinner on Friday, 1 September.

For members of AusAPT and our partner associations (APTi, BAPT, AFTP, ILP), Early Bird registration costs just AUD 480. (That’s around USD 325, GBP 260, EUR 300 on current exchange rates.)

When registering for the conference you can sign up for, or renew, AusAPT membership to secure your member discount. (Pay $75 membership, save $80 on registration.) Conference discounts are also available for retirees and full-time students.

For non-members, registration costs AUD 560.

$400 – $560 Become an AusAPT member and save.

Click on the blue button below to register for the conference and purchase your 2023/4 AusAPT membership in one step as a bundle and save. You can also let us know you are a current financial member of another APT or ILP and save.

Or you can book as a non-member. Plus you can add on the conference dinner for people coming with you but not attending the conference.

Please make sure you are logged in on our website if you have already registered/created an account with us. If not, you will be directed to register with us first to create an account before you book your place for the conference. This only needs to be done once but ensures your details are kept safe and secure and we can provide a customised service for you.

You can also just purchase the conference or become a member or renew your membership also from the form available via the above button.

Any questions or issues, please contact us via email at


Our 2023 Conference venue is Rydges Fortitude Valley, a 4.5 star hotel on the edge of downtown Brisbane that previously hosted our 2018 Conference.

Rydges is sited in the historic Showgrounds precinct (reflecting our ‘Showtime’ theme), 20 minutes from Brisbane Airport, an easy walk from Fortitude Valley rail station, and close to bus routes to the city and suburbs.

Rydges’ Paddock Bar is a convivial space for casual conversations with fellow delegates. And just outside the door is King Street with many cafes, bars and restaurants.

Rydges is offering Superior King rooms, plus buffet breakfast for one, at the special conference price of AUD 229 per night (that’s around USD 155, GBP 123). You can book your room via the link below:

$400 – $560 Become an AusAPT member and save.

AusAPT Conference Team

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Rydges Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

601 Gregory Terrace
Bowen Hills, Queensland 4006 Australia
+ Google Map
07 31883000
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The Trimorphic Ethoi of Psychological Types—Vicky Jo Varner

October 9, 2022 @ 9:00 am 10:00 am Australia/Sydney

Psychological Types is typically presented as a singular idea within one discipline. However, within that discipline, it can be discerned that there are three prevalent perspectives, or ethoi, in conveying the types. This session delves into these three different ethoi and relates them to the psychological types model, interspersed with interactive exercises to help attendees experience each of them and confront their differences. This presentation is academic in nature with cutting-edge content, so be prepared to immerse yourself in something that is philosophically challenging yet rewarding.

Smiling Dr Vicky Jo Varner, a blond woman with shoulder length hair and pink top.
VIcky Jo Varner

Vicky Jo Varner

Dr. Vicky Jo Varner holds a PhD in Depth Psychology with an emphasis on Jungian and Archetypal Studies. An MBTI Master Practitioner and certified Life Coach, she is ranked as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation. She is a certified Interactive Guided Imagery and Symbolon Reflection practitioner; she successfully taught Jung’s Structure of the Psyche to graduate students at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles. Find more at

This is a session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members. $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.

Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference

Download a 2 page pdf of the program here:


$100 – $150 $100AU for AusAPT members, other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for 17 sessions

Online Event


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AusAPT Online 2021 Conference: Talking Type Together

AusAPT online 2021

November 12, 2021 @ 5:00 pm November 14, 2021 @ 3:00 pm Australia/Sydney

AusAPT Online 2021 Talking Type Together

The AusAPT 2021 online ‘Talking Type Together’ conference is past

but you can get all the recordings and resources now with:

20 engaging online sessions over 3 days via Zoom.

25 internationally renowned psychological type presenters.

A skilled community of type professionals and enthusiasts engaging through-out.

All sessions recorded + all resources online so you get maximum benefit and won’t miss a thing.

Life-changing type insights for applying type skills and knowledge in your life + work.

You can get access to the recordings of all session for just $100 AU for AusAPT members, APT members

and ILP members or $150AU for non-members.

AusAPT Conference speakers for 2021!

To get access to all recordings + resources for all 20 sessions:

Firstly, register on our website if not already so we can keep in touch with you about the conference and make sure you receive all the links, recordings and resources and conference access.

Already registered? Make sure you are logged in and click below to book your place. Read below for more information about the conference.

Become an AusAPT member if not already, then book your place to get your discount:

If you are a current financial member of another APT, let us know first, then book your place to get your discount:

If you are a current financial member of ILP, let us know first, then book your place to get your discount:

Renew or start your AusAPT membership now + save

Renew or start your AusAPT membership first and then order the conference recordings secure the $50 saving.

Our conference recordings are great value again in 2021. We encourage you to renew or commence your membership with AusAPT now to make the most of the conference purchase.

Membership is just $99AU till 1 July next year. Purchase your membership + book your conference place now and save $50 on the conference price.

Your membership helps us to continue to offer value for money, quality psychological type insights, learning opportunities and community events as a not-for-profit, volunteer organisation. You can read about the benefits of joining AusAPT.

As APT global partners, current financial members of other APTs such as BAPT, APTI and AFTP can receive streamlined reciprocal benefits via our website at no cost and access the conference at the same price as AusAPT members. Just make sure you let us know first here – it costs nothing!

Here’s an overview of the program + speakers:

Download a handy 2 page PDF of the Conference program here:

Day 1

5:00pm – 5:15pmWelcome and virtual gathering 
5:15pm – 6:15pm PLENARYSue BlairGoldilocks and the 8 Cognitive Processes
6:15pm – 6:30pmBreak 
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Catherine StothartMotivation in the Age of Uncertainty  
7:30pm – 7:45pmBreak 
7:45pm – 8:45pm DUALAngelina Bennet
Friend or foe? The Inferior Function
Richard Owen
Talking Theory Together  

Day 2

8:30am – 9:00amSocial Foyer 
9:00am – 10:00am PLENARYDario NardiFour Flavors of Type
10:00am – 10:15amBreak 
10:15am – 11:15am
Terri Connellan
What Type Can Teach us as Writers
David Pool
From Type to Psyche, Self and Soul
11:15am – 11:45amBreak + Social Foyer 
11:45am – 12:45pm
Roger PearmanType Development: 10 things you must do if you are serious
12:45pm – 1:30pmLunch + Social Foyer 
1:30pm – 2:30pm DUALFusae Harada
Type Development and Spirituality of Japanese Culture
Tim Van Milligan
Increasing your Sales Using Personality Type  
2:30pm – 2:45pmBreak 
2:45pm – 3:45pm PLENARYMary McGuinessStress and Resilience in the World of Covid-19
3:45pm – 4:15pmBreak + Social Foyer 
4:15pm – 5:15pm DUALPeter Geyer
Musings around Psychological Type: a personal perambulation  
Vicky Jo Varner
Gottman, Beebe, and Jung – Some correlations  
5:15pm – 6:30pmVirtual Drinks + Catchup 

Day 3

8:30am – 9:00amSocial Foyer 
9:00am – 10:00am
Meredith Fuller, Gunilla Burrowes & Mark Toner Type and Transgender: Any relationships or implications?Kesstan Blandin & Yvonne Nelson-Reid
Archetype & Type  
10:00am – 10:15amBreak 
10:15am – 11:15am
Katie Jones
MBTI & Stress: Your type and mind-body Connections
Joe Arrigo
A Young Type Coach’s Journey
11:15am – 11:45amBreak + Social Foyer 
11:45am – 12:45pm
Sterling Bates
Talking Type Together with your Vital Relationships
Isabelle Peyrichoux
Using Type to Unlock Yours and Others’ Career Calling
12:45pm – 1:15pmLunch + Social Foyer 
1:15pm – 2:15pm PLENARYJoel Mark Witt & Antonia DodgeSharing your Knowledge in a Podcasting and YouTube World
2:15pm – 3:00pmWrap up + closing comments 

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Here’s how to get the conference recordings and resources:

Become an AusAPT member if not already, then book your place to get your discount:

If you are a current financial member of another APT, let us know first, then book your place to get your discount:

If you are a current financial member of ILP, let us know first, then book your place to get your discount:

Session + presenter details:

Day 1 – (All times are AEDT: Sydney/Melbourne)

TimePresenterSession Description
5:15pm-6:15pm PLENARYSue Blair
Sue has been working with psychological type for 20 years. She is an international presenter and keynote speaker, as well as a qualified MBTI practitioner and adult educator. She is the author of The Personality Puzzle coaching cards, now used worldwide by coaches and counsellors. She has taught thousands of teachers, parents, students and businesses about the importance of self-awareness and communication. Sue is the recipient of the APTi 2015 Gordon Lawrence Award. This award recognises an outstanding achievement to the field of education
Goldilocks and the 8 Cognitive Processes
Assumption: The perfect human being has not yet been created. So, how, why and where do we go wrong and what can we do about it? We will take a look at each of the cognitive processes and then suggest ways we can use each of them ‘too much’, ‘too little’ and ‘just right’.  
6:30-7:30pm DUALKatherine W Hirsh
Dr Katherine W Hirsh is co-founder of Hirshworks, a source of information and inspiration for all things type-related; and a principal in Step Research. As a thought leader, Katherine is devoted to working with clients worldwide to improve performance, increase engagement and foster development. Type has entranced her for over thirty years. Katherine lives in Germany and works globally, consulting with clients to build leadership, teamwork and decision-making skills, promote a growth mindset and increase personal and professional satisfaction.
Mindset Shift–Evolving Our Conversations About Individuation
We will explore how changing our mindset and reframing Jung’s concept of individuation in terms of “Why not?” “What makes it meaningful for me?” and “What opportunities for growth do I see?” can make type interventions more interesting, more effective and longer lasting.  
6:30-7:30pm DUALCatherine Stothart
Catherine Stothart is a Leadership Coach with Airbus and a partner in Google’s Mastery Faculty of virtual facilitators. She has coached and trained hundreds of managers in the private sector to develop their leadership and communication skills. She also works with schools and colleges. Catherine is the author of “How to Get On with Anyone”, (2018, Pearson) – based on Interaction Styles, it’s a guide to building better relationships with others. She is a Fellow of the CIPD, has an MSc, and is currently BAPT’s Director of Events.
Motivation in the Age of Uncertainty
Feeling motivated is an essential part of mental health and well-being. Catherine connects temperament theory to academic theories of motivation. This creates a powerful combination for practical action to sustain our motivation and well-being in our uncertain world.  
7:45-8:45pm DUALAngelina Bennet
Angelina is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Director of Type Pro, a Type practitioner’s training organisation, with over 20 years’ experience with Type. She is the author of The Shadows of Type: Psychological Type over seven Levels of Development and is considered to be a thought-leader in the development of Type theory. Angelina has presented at many UK and International Type Conferences including BAPT, EAPT, APTi and AusApt. She was the President of the British Association for Psychological Type (BAPT) from 2011-2017.
Friend or foe? The Inferior Function
The inferior function is one of the most interesting aspects of our psyche. In addition to having a role in the well-known stress or ‘Grip’ experience, it has a variety of other roles in our every day lives – some helpful and restorative, some restrictive and destructive.  
7:45-8:45pm DUALRichard Owen
BAPT Treasurer Richard Owen is an organisational psychologist and coach based in Brighton, UK. A broad theorist of Type: from Jung to MBTI®, to the depth typology of Dr John Beebe. Richard’s Personality Parts™ model aims to uniquely integrate these and many other perspectives.
Talking Theory Together
With a divergence of type theory between Jung, MBTI and many individual experts in the field, is there a way to create a cohesive revised narrative to carry type forward into its second century? Richard discusses several key issues in type theory and some proposed solutions.

Day 2

TimePresenterSession Description
9:00-10:00am AEDT PLENARYDario Nardi
Dario Nardi, Ph.D. is a renowned author and researcher in neuroscience, personality, and body-mind practices. He won Distinguished Teacher of the year in 2011 while at UCLA. His books include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-Leadership, Jung on Yoga, The Magic Diamond, and other titles. He created the Personality Types iPhone app and the Cognitive Processes Assessment of 8 Jungian functions. Since 2006, Dario has conducted hands-on brain research, utilizing insights of real-time EEG technology. Dario was certified in type since 1994.
Four Flavors of Type  
We explore 4 flavors of the types, based on neuroscience, careers, and other data. Are you more the Dominant, Creative, Normalizing or Harmonizing flavor of your type? And your clients? Knowing the flavors helps get past type stereotypes to best-fit type and career advice.  
10:15-11:15am AEDT DUALTerri Connellan
Terri Connellan is a creative transition coach, author, teacher, accredited psychological type practitioner and current AusAPT President. She specialises in creativity, personality and self-leadership, especially for midlife women in transition to a life with deeper purpose. Terri works globally through her creative business, Quiet Writing, and her books Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition and the Wholehearted Companion Workbook were published in September 2021 by the kind press.
What Type Can Teach us as Writers
How can insights from type help us grow as writers? Using frameworks from type, creativity and writing, we look at writing identity, strengths and growth opportunities to increase writing productivity, creativity and enjoyment.
10:15-11:15am AEDT DUALDavid Pool
David Pool has a Bachelors degree in psychology and multiple type certifications. He is enrolled in the Depth, Jungian and Archetypal studies doctoral program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpenteria California. This viewpoint into Jungian studies, the Type community, and mainstream academia grounds David’s viewpoint in three separate disciplines. David’s thesis is that an underlying psyche stands at the center of these three streams, his mission is to unite the different approaches while exercising a critical analytical approach
From Type to Psyche, Self and Soul
Psyche, self, and soul are all aspects of Psychological Type according to Carl Jung. Typological classification into categories can be accomplished based on Jung’s model of the psyche. How do these ideas relate? How do Jungian PhD programs frame these issues? Come find out!  
11:45am -12:45pm AEDT PLENARYRoger Pearman
Managing Partner, TalentTelligent, LLC; Researcher, Writer, and Practitioner of psychological type; Past President APTI; former Qualifying/Certifying Faculty for APTi and; Books and materials: I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You; YOU: Being More Effective in Your MBTI Type; Introduction to Type and Emotional Intelligence; People Skills Handbook: Action Tips for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence; Pearman Personality Integrator (Published by MHS, Inc); Career Roadblock Finder (published by HRDQ).
Type Development: 10 things you must do if you are serious Type development is about knowing your type pattern and being able to identify and access those functions on which you don’t regularly rely. While identifying these functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Ti, Te, Fi, Fe) is cognitively easy, accessing and using them requires more work.
1:30-2:30pm AEDT DUALFusae Harada
Fusae Harada is an author, life coach, counsellor, and co-founding director of ICET (Inter-Cultural Education Today), an industry-recognised specialised program for Japanese students studying in Australia. Over thirty years she has worked with hundreds of students and parents, establishing a unique education program focused on language learning, as well as cultural understanding and personal development. Her coaching seminars guide families in strengthening their relationships and building happiness, especially with teenagers.
Type Development and Spirituality of Japanese Culture Japanese culture is considered unique. But what makes it so? And what insights can typology provide about the character and historical development of this unique culture?  
1:30-2:30pm AEDT DUALTim Van Milligan
Tim Van Milligan (ISTJ) is a business owner, entrepreneur and conference speaker based out of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. He is also an author of several books on copywriting and marketing, including the books: “Selling by Personality Type,” “Emotional Copywriting Revealed,” and “Selling Yourself: Advanced Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job.” He endorses the practical application of personality temperament to the world of sales and marketing, showing how to meet the customer’s needs by engaging their natural personality.
Increasing your Sales using Personality Type
Ever consider using personality to help you sell more? Learn the step-by-step process of rapid typing and then adjusting your conversation to the temperament of your prospect. Also discover how to generate quick rapport, and the role that emotions play in the sales
2:45 – 3:45pm AEDT PLENARYMary McGuiness
Mary McGuiness ENFP has 30 years experience teaching personality theory and training professionals to use the MBTI instrument and the MajorsPTI. She currently offers certification in the MajorsPTI instrument. Mary is Director of the Institute for Type Development, a national training organisation established in 1986. She served on the National Committee of AusAPT for 10 years, with two years as National President. Mary is author of several books and resources including the best-seller, You’ve Got Personality, and is a regular speaker.
Stress and Resilience in the World of Covid-19
Over the past 18 months Covid-19 has impacted on every aspect of our lives. Type theory suggests that each type will experience the stress differently and will respond differently. Let’s explore the changes to see if personality type really does make a difference.  
4:15 – 5:15pm AEDT DUALPeter Geyer
Peter Geyer has thought about type for over 30 years, researching, writing, presenting, teaching, training and advising in that time. He is a former MBTI and Majors accrediter and consultant, an occasional university lecturer/tutor on type themes, has been a columnist for AusAPT publications, contributed to Typeface and the APTi Bulletin and was an APTi Research and Theory Consultant. Now retired he is the custodian of the Type Research and Practice Collection, an archive and library on behalf of AusAPT.  
Musings around Psychological Type: a personal perambulation
Musings around C.G. Jung’s typology, from what he said, to what others have made of it, whether as model, application or label, including criticism and other claims.  
4:15 – 5:15pm AEDT DUALVicky Jo Varner
As an individuation coach, certified PCC by the International Coach Federation, Dr. Vicky Jo enjoys coaching people to identify and develop their natural typological strengths. With her PhD in Depth Psychology, she teaches Jung’s work at L.A.’s Philosophical Research Society.
Gottman, Beebe and Jung – Some correlations
Join Dr. Vicky Jo in an experiential session exploring the correlations between John Gottman’s contemporary research into relationships, John Beebe’s model, and Jung’s archetypes. Bring paper and a few art supplies (nothing fancy).

Day 3

TimePresenterSession Description
9:00 – 10:00am AEDT DUALMeredith Fuller, Gunilla Burrowes and Mark Toner AusAPT Life Member Meredith Fuller is a psychologist and author with 35 years using Type, including the design and implementation of early accreditation training. Meredith has experience with transitioning and transgender clients and her psychologist step-uncle came from Holland to conduct the first ‘gender reassignment clinic’ in 1960’s Melbourne  
Gunilla Burrowes is an electrical engineer with a broad range of industry and academic experience and is passionate about workplaces becoming more inclusive. She co-founded Gender Matters with Mark Toner 10 years ago which provides advice to organisations on gender issues and inclusive practices. Gunilla is an accredited Myers Briggs trainer.  
Mark Toner has an engineering, science and IT background.  A former CEO of an Australian engineering company, he has been a company director and management consultant for more than 20 years. An accredited Myers Briggs trainer, his interests cover mitigation of unconscious and conscious bias and working with Gunilla and Meredith on gender issues.
Type and Transgender: Any relationships or implications?
How do workplaces become more gender neutral and more inclusive of all staff, ensuring respect for gender diversity and equality? This session will explore, through 3 case studies, transgender identity and Type, and discuss implications on an individual’s career development.
9:00 – 10:00am AEDT DUALKesstan Blandin & Yvonne Nelson-Reid
Kesstan Blandin, PhD is the VP, Research & Development for the Center for Applications of Psychological Type in Gainesville FL, where she oversees research for Jungian assessments on type (MBTI/MMTIC) and archetype (PMAI). For several years, Kesstan was an academic professor and researcher in a graduate psychology program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in CA and at the Dartmouth Centers for Health & Aging in NH. She has published on psychological type, archetypes, and dementia.  
Yvonne Nelson-Reid, PhD, is the Senior Development Associate at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT®), a mother of 5, writer, teacher, depth psychologist – Jungian and archetypal studies (MA, PhD), and career coach. Yvonne’s MA in Educational Research focused on Jungian theory where her thesis explored insights into the MBTI® assessment. As a certified MBTI® (master practitioner) and certified MMTIC® professional, she uses typology as a tool for helping others understand differences and communicate more effectively. 
Archetype & Type
An analysis of where the concepts of archetype and psychological type converge and diverge through Jungian and type theorists and data from a large empirical study with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Pearson-Marr Type Indicator.  
10:15 – 11:15am DUALKatie Jones
Katie is a MBTI Master Practitioner, coaching teams and leaders for 10 years. After earning two graduate degrees from Columbia University, teaching, leading high-performing teams, and working in the non-profit education space, Katie founded KJ Consulting Group, which continues to serve local and national organizations across the U.S. To support an ever-changing world as we navigate the pandemic, in 2020 Katie created the Myers Briggs: Beyond the Letters course, as well as a Mind-Body Journal to help navigate stress using mind-body connections.
MBTI & Stress: Your type and mind-body connections
Our minds and bodies are intricately connected, and our brain’s job is to keep us alive. In this interactive workshop, we will use an understanding of both MBTI and research about mind-body connections, to better understand unique stressors and ways to respond to stress.  
10:15 – 11:15am DUALJoe Arrigo
Joe Arrigo is a newbie to the professional Type space. What started as a mild interest exploded into an obsession and a coaching business. His goal is to help people find their place in the world by bringing clarity to their personality type. If it can impact a stubborn INTJ like himself, it can certainly do the same for others. He resides primarily on Linkedin and YouTube, and tries to bridge the gap between the Old Guard and New Guard of type.
A Young Type Coach’s Journey
A new MBTI coach shares his perspectives, lessons, misconceptions, and insights from his first year.
-What is missing in Type currently?
-Where does the new generation of enthusiasts reside?
-Where do we apply it now?
11:45am – 12:45pm DUALSterling Bates
Sterling has worked with personality and social psychology both personally and professionally for more than fifteen years. Originally a mathematics and IT professional, he founded and now runs Step Research, a research and development benefit corporation that takes the best from psychology and uses software technology to empower people and their relationships. He is a proud member of the International Association of Psychological Type and served on the Board of Directors for 4 years.
Talking Type Together with Your Vital Relationships
Scientific studies show the biggest impact on life satisfaction, happiness, and health outcomes is our vital relationships. Which models are great for relationships? You will get tools and tips to use different models to help your relationships and help those you care about.
11:45am – 12:45pm DUALIsabelle Peyrichoux
Isabelle Peyrichoux is a Career Reinvention Coach for high-achieving professionals. She has helped hundreds of professionals and managers discover their next dream career. After a first career in the tech industry, Isabelle founded Brilliant Seeds to pursue her calling. Certified in MBTI and in the InterStrength CORE Approach with Linda Berens, she has been using her in-depth knowledge of Type in her work for the past 12 years. She has created an approach to career reinvention that goes beyond the limitations of traditional career counseling.
Using Type to Unlock Yours and Others’ Career Calling
Discover a unique framework using Type to effectively support career reinvention and career calling discovery. You will learn how to apply this framework to your own career development as well as how to apply these methods for the facilitation of career reinvention. .
1:15 – 2:15pm PLENARYJoel Mark Witt & Antonia Dodge
Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge are authors, podcasters, entrepreneurs, personal development coaches, and personality typology experts who have consulted with companies like Amazon, Zappos, Oracle, American Express, CNN, and many others. Joel and Antonia also host the popular Personality Hacker podcast. Each episode is a conversation that helps you create awareness around how you are wired, gives you permission to be who you truly are, and design a custom personal growth path for your life. They live in the United States.
Sharing Your Type Knowledge In A Podcasting & YouTube World
How do we preserve accurate type knowledge while adapting to the changing new media landscape? Joel & Antonia lean into their 8+ years as podcasters to showcase ideas you can use in your practice whether you are just getting started or have been teaching type for decades.    

We hope you enjoy the rich insights from the AusAPT 2021 online conference!

Any questions? Contact us at

$100 For AusAPT (and APTi, BAPT, AFTP, ILP) members $150 for non-members/guests/


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Online Event