October 8, 2022
9:00 am
10:00 am Australia/Sydney
Pivoting is a skill we have all had to master over the past two years. Flexibility is the key, in our outlooks, our expectations and aspirations. Many of us have had plenty of time for introspection.
This gift of time has lead many of us to ask questions. Lots of them! This session explores how we can integrate the perceiving functions to find the wisdom we need to keep on track.
We will explore:
Cognitive function combinations
Helpful graphics to simplify our explanations
Questions which can be posed relating to each of the perceiving functions
The importance of intentional application of the functions
Sue Blair
Sue Blair has been working with psychological type for 20 years. She is an international presenter and keynote speaker, as well as a qualified MBTI practitioner and adult educator. She is the author of The Personality Puzzle coaching cards, now used worldwide by coaches and counsellors. She has taught thousands of teachers, parents, students and businesses about the importance of self-awareness and communication. Sue is the recipient of the APTi 2015 Gordon Lawrence Award. This award recognises an outstanding achievement to the field of education.
This session is a keynote session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.
October 7, 2022
5:00 pm
October 9, 2022
12:00 pm Australia/Sydney
The AusAPT 2022 Conference, ‘Time & Tide: Tradition and Trends in Type’, 7-9 October online is now over.
You are still able to purchase the conference via the links below and we will give you access to the Conference Hub. It contains recordings of all sessions and handouts and slide presentations from presenters.
Below are all the details of the conference, sessions and presenters.
About the Conference:
It’s our 30th anniversary conference with:
17 engaging online sessions 16 internationally renowned psychological type presenters. a skilled and welcoming community of type professionals and enthusiasts. ongoing access with all sessions recorded & resources online life-changing type insights to apply in your life & work.
Access to all Conference recordings, handouts and presenter resources is $100AU for AusAPT members, APT and ILP members and $150AU for guests
Here is the AusAPT 2022 conference presenter line-up! Further details below.
Get 2022 conference recordings + resources, renew or start your membership + save
Renew or start your membership now for 2022/3 and receive a discount of 33%. The conference recordings are just $100AU for AusAPT members. Maximise your membership by renewing now with many benefits to enjoy until 1 July 2023.
If you are a current financial member of another APT (eg BAPT, APTI, AFTP) or of ILP you can enjoy the same 33% conference discount: $100AU for financial members of other APTs or ILP.
First register on our website (once only and if not already registered) so we can keep in touch about the conference and so you receive all the recordings, resources, conference access and more via your customised profile.
Once registered, make sure you are logged inand head below to book your conference place and start or renew your AusAPT membership – or book in as an APT or ILP member – in one easy step.
Conference recording access is $150AU for guests/non-members.
Download a handy 2-page pdf summary of the conference program here:
How can we better manage energy? We will address this question several ways. First, our tertiary function is a “neurotic boundary” area that needs care. Second, our favorite perceiving function plays a major role. And third is the “yin” side of our inferior function. Includes handouts.
6:15 – 6:30pm
6:30- 7:30pm CONCURRENT
Temperament: Tradition or Trend? Bringing Temperament up to date for 21st Century Leaders Catherine Stothart
Find out how you can apply temperament theory and practice to build the key leadership capabilities to meet the needs of 21st century teams. In this session Catherine will share a practical framework for leaders to engage, develop, delegate to, and connect with their teams.
6:30- 7:30pm CONCURRENT
Cognitive Functions and Enneagram: Complementary Power Teodora Paucean
This session promotes the usage of type (cognitive functions) and Enneagram together, as two systems that can complement each other beautifully in the process of improving emotional well-being, as well as relational and professional satisfaction.
7:30 – 7:45pm
7:45 – 8:45pm CONCURRENT
Midlife Development: A Crisis? A Crash? Or a Cruise? Angelina Bennet
Midlife is a time when many of us take stock of our life and think about what we want for our future. In this session we will review theories of midlife from the type perspective, consider the possible accelerating impact of the pandemic, and consider how to craft the life we want for ourselves.
7:45 – 8:45pm CONCURRENT
Against the Tide: Repositioning the 8 Functions in Psychology Richard Owen
For both to be valid, surely type and mainstream psychology are talking about the same ideas and concepts, just in different ways with different names? Richard explores some analogous concepts from cognitive psychology and other areas that could help us reinterpret Jung’s 8 functions.
Day 2 – Saturday 8 October
Session Details
8:30 – 9:00am
9:00-10:00am KEYNOTE
Type in Tandem: The Magical Alchemy of Connecting Opposing Functions Sue Blair
Pivoting is a skill we have all had to master over the past two years. Many of us have had plenty of time for introspection. This gift of time has lead many of us to ask questions. Lots of them! This session explores how we can integrate the perceiving functions to find the wisdom we need.
10:15 – 11:15am CONCURRENT
Underutilized Oppositions in the Lenses We Use: Essential Motivators and Interaction Styles Sterling Bates
Get everything you need for an underutilized resource in the world of psychological type, the 6 dynamics from Essential Motivators (Temperament) and Interaction Styles. Leverage them across best-fit, communication, workplace problems, delegation, Situational Leadership®, and relationship issues.
10:15 – 11:15am CONCURRENT
Making and Keeping Type in the Conversation Sharon Lovoy
Type is losing ground in the corporate setting and less than 50% of those who are certified buy Type related materials. As Type Practitioners, we must be dedicated to keeping Type relevant. Sharon Lovoy reveals the practical steps in her strategy for keeping Type relevant.
11:15 – 11:45am
11:45am -12:45pm CONCURRENT
Type and Music Preferences Ian Ball
There are many reasons why particular pieces of music attract us and why we go back to those preferences. We will listen to and rate several musical excerpts from the categories of Mellow, Unpretentious, Sophisticated, Intense and Contemporary, (the MUSIC model) on a scale from Love it! to Turn it off!
11:45am -12:45pm CONCURRENT
Work-Life Balance, Stress and the Process of Individuation Mary McGuiness
Carl Jung described individuation as growth towards wholeness, to be our most creative selves. Constant stress can inhibit growth. Finding work-life balance is important to reduce stress and promote growth. We will look at several ‘best practices’ that will reduce stress and ideas to promote growth.
12:45 – 1:30PM
1:30 – 2:30pm KEYNOTE
Traditions and Trends in Delivering Type Learning Events Susan Nash
This unique session will show how we can combine virtual and in-person sessions to create more effective type learning experiences. Be prepared to experience blended learning in action using a variety of virtual tools and practical activities.
2:30 – 2:45pm
2:45 – 3:45pm CONCURRENT
C. G. Jung’s Rational and Irrational Types: a presentation and a discussion Peter Geyer
C.G. Jung arranged his typology in a different way to what appears emphasised in current models and interpretations. This session presents its core aspects, aiming to both discover and discuss his intent and perspective as well as what insights can be gained from his approach.
2:45 – 3:45pm CONCURRENT
Creating a Type Community & Business in Japan: How I went from charging 100 to 100,000 yen a session Harumi Gondo
Harumi Gondo will share her experience in building a growth-based Type community and how she as an ENFJ avoided poverty and poor health to achieving a six-figure income through knowing and developing her Type.
3:45 – 4:15pm
4:15 – 5:15pm KEYNOTE
The Early Days of Psychological Type and AusAPT in Australia Mary McGuiness
An overview of the people, events and struggles that were part of the type community in the latter part of last century. Hear stories about the spread of type in Australia and the beginning of AusAPT. Who were the pioneers? What outside influences shaped our history? How have things changed?
5:15 – 6:30pm
Day 3 Sunday 9 October
Session Details
8:30 – 9:00am
9:00 – 10:00am CONCURRENT
The Most Common Enneagram Types of Each MBTI Type | How the Enneagram Intersects with the 16 Types Joyce Meng
A current trend in the MBTI community is the heavy incorporation of the Enneagram. Attend to learn more about why it is becoming a trend in the MBTI community to combine these two systems together and what the most common 16 types and Enneagram combinations are.
9:00 – 10:00am CONCURRENT
The Trimorphic Ethoi of Psychological Types Vicky Jo Varner
Psychological Types is normally presented as a singular idea but there are actually three prevalent perspectives, or ethoi, in conveying the types. This academic session combines cutting-edge content with interactive exercises to help attendees experience and appreciate each of them.
10:00 – 10:15am
10:15 – 11:15am KEYNOTE
Type For All: Making Awareness of Personality Type Ubiquitous Brian Lawrence
How do we make Type more ubiquitous? Competing with the myriad self-awareness products, how do we attract more enthusiasts to accreditation programmes and interest groups? The outcome will be a set of practical strategies that Practitioners can use to re-ignite the enthusiasm for Personality Type in the world.
We look forward to connecting with you and celebrating traditions and trends in type in October! Any questions, email us at the conference email below.
$100 AU for AusAPT members, APT and ILP members, $150AU for guests.