Type and Transgender: any relationship or implications? with Meredith Fuller, Gunilla Burrowes & Mark Toner

November 14, 2021 @ 9:00 am 10:00 am Australia/Sydney

Is transgender identity related to Type? What are the implications in career development of the T and F functions?

This session will be presented in 4 sections with plenty of interaction and input from the audience:
1) Can Type Theory predict and explain gender fluidity?
2) Looking at the Judging Function, what impact will the change in gender have on a trans person’s career after they have transitioned?
3) Is there any indication from Type Theory that would provide insight into a person’s motivation to transition or revert?
4) What can workplaces do to understand and support their transgender staff?

This session is presented by three Australian speakers:

Meredith Fuller

AusAPT Life Member Meredith Fuller is a psychologist and author with 35 years using Type, including the design and implementation of early accreditation training. Meredith has experience with transitioning and transgender clients and her psychologist step-uncle came from Holland to conduct the first ‘gender reassignment clinic’ in 1960’s Melbourne.

Gunilla Burrowes

Gunilla Burrowes is an electrical engineer with a broad range of industry and academic experience and is passionate about workplaces becoming more inclusive. She co-founded Gender Matters with Mark Toner 10 years ago which provides advice to organisations on gender issues and inclusive practices. Gunilla is an accredited Myers Briggs trainer.

Mark Toner

Mark Toner has an engineering, science and IT background.  A former CEO of an Australian engineering company, he has been a company director and management consultant for more than 20 years. An accredited Myers Briggs trainer, his interests cover mitigation of unconscious and conscious bias and working with Gunilla and Meredith on gender issues.

This session is part of the AusAPT Online 2021 Conference. You can find the full conference program and details here: AusAPT Online 2021 Program + Booking info

$100 – $150 $100AU or all 21 sessions for AusAPT, ILP and other APT financial members. $150AU for guests.

Online Event

The Influence of your Family of Origin Type and Falling in Love – Meredith Fuller and Brian Walsh

family and type

December 3, 2020 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm AEDT

We will look at family of origin Types (the family you grew up with), and the nature of your relationship with each member – did you go with, go against, or withdraw from? How might these themes relate to that unconscious instant attraction we feel towards potential partners? Privately, participants will draw family trees, have a guesstimate of family members (for those of us who haven’t already typed them!) and explore the relationship dynamics.

Brian Walsh and Meredith Fuller

Meredith Fuller and Brian Walsh

Psychologists in private practice together since 1990, Meredith and her husband Brian have worked with thousands of people, individually and in groups. Type, Jung, Klein, and Reich have informed their work with clients. They have both presented MBTI related topics over 25 years as organisational consultants as well as being sessional and guest lecturers at several universities, teaching in Masters programs in Education and Training and Psychology.   

Free All welcome

Online Event

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