Focus: Celebrity Type Chat: looking at Scott Morrison and Jacinda Ardern
May 2, 2020
1:00 pm
4:30 pm Sydney Australia
Inviting NSW/ACT members and guests to join us for a fun, informative and interactive type afternoon online via Zoom video conferencing where we will explore two celebrity personalities and their type. We will spend the first half focused on the Australian PM Scott Morrison and the second half focused on the New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern.
How does their personality influence their leadership style? What’s important to them both and how does it play out in how they lead?
You are encouraged to do some research, observation and/or reading about both and reflect on their personality type. Be prepared to share your thoughts about their type, temperament, interaction style or any other area you wish to focus on.
The event will be facilitated by Terri Connellan. Further details including connection links and support for Zoom if it’s new to you will be provided once RSVP is received. Join us for Celebrity Type Chat from the comfort of your home!
RSVPs essential by 30 April. Please email Terri Connellan:
Note whilst online this event is only for NSW and ACT members and guests. The event will be an opportunity for stepping into new ways of working online with the AusAPT community. We plan to offer further online state and national member and guest events so we can keep connecting at this time!
March 7, 2020
1:00 pm
4:30 pm Australia/Sydney
Dysfunctional behaviour has a negative impact on workplace performance and personal relationships. In this session, we will look at what causes psychological games for different types and the various ways these games may manifest. We will look at practical ways to intervene to maintain healthy relationships. And we will include some practical exercise to help liberate yourself from worries and fears and inspire change in your life. This practical session is useful for anyone but is particularly useful if you work in counselling, coaching, management, teaching or team building.
Mary McGuiness
About the presenter: Mary McGuiness
Mary McGuiness has 30 years’ experience teaching about Jungian Psychological Types and training professionals to use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Majors Personality Type Inventory. Mary is founding Director of the Institute for Type Development and a founding AusAPT committee member. She regularly presents at national and international conferences and has published several training resources and books, including the best-seller, You’ve Got Personality.
The session is FREE for current financial AusAPT members and $20 for guests. NOTE: We have a current offer of 50% off membership at $49.95 for 2019/20 which includes access to 2019 Conference resources. Head over HERE for more information.
RSVP essential to Terri Connellan by 4 March 2020:
Free Free for AusAPT members, $20 for guests
Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club
117 Ryedale Road West Ryde,
1685Australia+ Google Map