October 8, 2022 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am Australia/Sydney
Pivoting is a skill we have all had to master over the past two years. Flexibility is the key, in our outlooks, our expectations and aspirations. Many of us have had plenty of time for introspection.
This gift of time has lead many of us to ask questions. Lots of them! This session explores how we can integrate the perceiving functions to find the wisdom we need to keep on track.
We will explore:
- Cognitive function combinations
- Helpful graphics to simplify our explanations
- Questions which can be posed relating to each of the perceiving functions
- The importance of intentional application of the functions

Sue Blair
Sue Blair has been working with psychological type for 20 years. She is an international presenter and keynote speaker, as well as a qualified MBTI practitioner and adult educator. She is the author of The Personality Puzzle coaching cards, now used worldwide by coaches and counsellors. She has taught thousands of teachers, parents, students and businesses about the importance of self-awareness and communication. Sue is the recipient of the APTi 2015 Gordon Lawrence Award. This award recognises an outstanding achievement to the field of education.
This session is a keynote session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.
Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference
Download a 2 page pdf of the program here: