March 20, 2022 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm AEDT
We are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we are the last generation that can do something about it. Are people’s responses and activities to the issue of climate change and environmental concerns related to Type? Are there Sensing and Intuitive differences? You are invited to a discussion following short talks by 3 engaging guests. Professor Matthew Cuthbertson, Chair, Victorian Clean Tech fund (boutique venture capital fund) Working in innovation at several universities, Matt is involved in many scientific committees and brings big picture observations. Graeme Joyce, Managing Director Soilcharge, the value of biological soil for our environment Australian soils are generally fragile, depleted and mineral poor. Long term use of chemical solutions is simply not working.Chemicals such as superphosphate tend to decrease the pH in soil that naturally tends to be acidic, and as soil becomes more acidic minerals are locked up, biology becomes dormant or dies, and farm or garden yield decrease.What we need to do is work with the soil by adding the conditions that will allow the soil to remain in a pH band that allows for plant growth, with the minerals and elements that will support microbial and bacteria life.Once we do this it is easy to maintain a positive and profitable growing environment. Ian MacCallum, a concerned Australian citizen with an IT background (originally from Canada) who has previously been involved in climate activism, aware of basic things we all can do to empower ourselves but also recognises the incredible difficulty in making a lasting difference. “I recognise that doing nothing is tantamount to admitting defeat. I think it’s better to be doing something rather than wringing our hands in despair. It’s important that people feel empowered in some way. I refer to the old adage, ‘Every Vote Counts!’ “ A portion of the speakers’ comments will be filmed for a short YouTube Please bring a PLATE or BOTTLE to share over afternoon tea RSVP to Meredith Fuller as soon as possible via email meredithfuller56@gmail.com (to help with Covid safety protocols) |

Free for members and guests
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash