Temperament: Tradition or Trend? – Catherine Stothart

October 7, 2022 @ 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Australia/Sydney

Temperament: Tradition or Trend? Bringing Temperament up to date for 21st Century Leaders

Thirty years ago, few people talked of emotional intelligence, neuroscience, positive psychology, or mental well-being. Now there is widespread interest in popular psychology, and people are much more aware of their psychological needs.

Thirty years ago, leaders in organisations could operate in a command and control way. Now millennials want their leaders to be empathic. The role of the leader-manager is now less an overseer of task completion and more an enabler of self-motivation.

In this context, temperament – which explains why we do what we do – is the perfect tool to enable leaders to lead their team to fulfil their purpose and potential. Catherine’s approach to temperament links our core psychological needs to the essential leadership capabilities of engaging, developing, delegating and connecting. In this session she will share a practical toolkit to enable leaders to motivate their teams, improve their well-being and feel motivated themselves.

Catherine Stothart

Catherine Stothart

Catherine Stothart is a Leadership Coach with 30 years’ experience in top multi-national companies – currently Airbus and Google. She uses personality type in her work and brings the best thinking about communication and motivation to a wider audience in a way that makes it usable and actionable. Her 2018 book, published by Pearson, How to Get On with Anyone, is based on Interaction Styles. Her second book, Motivation: The Ultimate Guide to Leading your Team, published by Routledge, comes out in 2022 and is based on temperament.

This is a session at the Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference, 7-9 October online. It is one of 17 sessions presented over 3 days, all recorded in case you can’t attend live. It is $100AU for AusAPT members and other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for the entire program. We hope you will join us. The conference event link with full details is below.

Time & Tide—Traditions and Trends in Type conference

Download a 2 page pdf of the program here:


$100 – $150 $100AU for AusAPT members, other APT and ILP financial members and $150 for guests for 17 sessions


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Online Event

AusAPT Online 2020 Conference: Valuing Type in a Virtual World

AusAPT Online 2020

November 5, 2020 @ 6:00 pm November 7, 2020 @ 3:00 pm Australia/Sydney

AusAPT 2020 Online

Join us for the AusAPT online 2020 personality type conference!

12 engaging online sessions over 3 days via Zoom.

14 internationally renowned psychological type presenters.

A skilled and welcoming community of type professionals and enthusiasts.

Opportunities to connect, learn, engage with speakers and the AusAPT community.

Sessions across time zones so you can join in live.

All sessions recorded so you get maximum benefit and won’t miss anything.

Life-changing type insights so you can grow in a virtual world.

Secure your place now for the entire program + all 12 sessions

Firstly, register on our website so we can keep in touch with you about the conference and make sure you receive all the recordings and any special offers.

Already registered? Make sure you are logged in and click below to purchase your ticket – or read below for more information.

Note: session recordings will ONLY be available to ticketholders.

Our local and international presenters for online 2020

Overview of the program – further details below:

All times are AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne, UTC +11)

Thursday 5 November

6:00pm ­­– 6:30 pmWelcome and virtual gathering together
6:30pm – 7:30 pmArche(Type) Tips for Thriving at Midlife – Katherine W Hirsh + Vicky Jo Varner
7:30pm – 7:45pmBreak
7:45pm – 8:45pmInteraction Styles: Conflicts and Connections – Catherine Stothart

Friday 6 November

9:00am – 10:00am The Magic Diamond: Coaching Type Development – Dario Nardi
10:00am – 10:15am Break
10:15am – 11:15am Flawless Facilitation in a Virtual World for All Types – Susan Nash
11:15am – 11:45am Break + Networking
11:45am – 12:45pm Typing from Afar: Catherine the Great – Jane Kise + Ann Holm
12:45pm – 1:30pm Lunch + Networking
  1:30pm – 2:30pm Type and Exploring Personal Growth Pathways – Alex MacFarlane
  2:30pm – 2:45pm Break
  2:45pm – 3:45pm Jung’s Type and Development over his Lifetime – Mary McGuiness
  3:45pm – 4:15pm Break + Networking
  4:15pm – 5:15pm The Wisdom of Type – Angelina Bennet
  5:15pm – 5:30pm Break
  5:30pm – 7:30pm Virtual Drinks/Social event

Saturday 7 November

  9:00am – 10:00am Learning and Thriving: Guided by Type – Sue Blair
10:00am – 10:15am Break
10:15am – 11:15am Soul-making Work in Dark Times: A Jungian View – Suzanne Cremen
11:15am – 11:45am Break + Networking
11:45am – 12:45pm Using Virtual Type and the Z Model to Thrive – Sterling Bates
12:45pm – 1:15pm Lunch + Networking
  1:15pm – 2:15pm Dancing with Your Inner Wolves: Understanding and Developing your Eight Heroes – Brian Lawrence
  2:15pm – 3:00pm Wrap up + closing comments

AusAPT Online 2020 – Sessions and Presenters in Detail

Day 1 – Thursday 5 November

TimePresenterSession Description
6:30-7:30pm AEDTKatherine W Hirsh & Vicky Jo Varner  
Dr Katherine W. Hirsh (INTP) has been using type in coaching, consulting, teambuilding and train-the-trainer contexts for over 25 years.  

Vicky Jo Varner, PhD is an MBTI Master Practitioner and has been a professional typologist for over 25 years.  As an individuation coach certified PCC by the International Coach Federation, she enjoys coaching people to identify and develop their natural typological strengths. With her PhD in Depth Psychology, she teaches Jung’s work at L.A.’s Philosophical Research Society.
Arche(Type) Tips for Thriving at Midlife  
Using psychological type and Jungian archetypes as a framework, we will reflect on the midlife journey through the parent and the orphan archetypes. Interactive exercises will examine how consciously giving voice to the challenges and opportunities of involved in caring for yourself, children and elders can help you make connections between the archetypal stories and typological patterns that shape the wider culture(s) of which you are a part and your own style and experiences. Join us to discover how putting your story into words and images can be a source of inspiration for meaningful change, type development and healing at midlife.
7:45 – 8:45pm AEDTCatherine Stothart  
Catherine Stothart is a Leadership Coach and Team Consultant with Airbus and is a Master Faculty partner at Google.  She also introduces personality type to schools and colleges and is a Trustee of BAPT.  Her first book, How to Get On with Anyone, was published by Pearson in 2018.   She is currently working on her second book.    
Interaction Styles: Conflicts and Connections  
The Interaction Styles framework, related to personality type, helps you understand how your emotions work when you interact with others – it’s a tool for being emotionally intelligent in the moment.  Catherine will describe the core drives and beliefs of each style and how these can lead to conflict.  Relating this to the Thomas-Kilmann conflict inventory, we will explore how awareness of your Interaction Style can help you manage conflict and adapt behaviour to build connections with others.  The session will include discussion in break out groups. 

Day 2 – Friday 6 November

TimePresenterSession Description
9:00-10:00am AEDTDario Nardi  
Dario Nardi, PhD is an internationally renowned researcher, speaker, and instructor in neuroscience, personality, and education. He was certified in type in 1994 and has authored many books including ‘Neuroscience of Personality’, ‘8 Keys to Self-Leadership, ‘Jung on Yoga’, ’16 Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery’ and recently, ‘’he Magic Diamond.’      
The Magic Diamond: Coaching Type Development  
How can we really encourage people to attend to type development? Traditionally, opposites are shown along a spectrum, implying people find a balancing point. But Jung observed a “transcendent” function that is a novel “alchemical” synthesis of opposites, leading to a new result. In this workshop, we use a Magic Diamond shape with four facets, such as Thinking, Feeling, undifferentiated, and synthesis. This shape invites people to fill in the synthesis facet. We will go over examples for the types and look at a typical coaching arc that goes from strengths to the shadow to overcoming one-sidedness through new habits.  
10:15-11:15am AEDTSusan Nash  
Susan Nash is a professional type expert and author of 11 books with over 25 years’ experience working with type. Susan specializes in helping individuals, businesses and teams to apply type knowledge in raising individual awareness, building leadership effectiveness and improving organizational productivity.  
Flawless Facilitation in a Virtual World for All Types   Facilitating in a virtual environment brings new challenges. How can you cater for all types in an increasingly online world? You will learn relevant knowledge, core skills and innovative techniques to help ensure every session you facilitate “lands” successfully and that all Types engage in the learning journey in a virtual environment. You will learn how to motivate different types to learn and how to flex to different learning contexts.      
11:45am -12:45pm AEDTJane Kise and Ann Holm   Jane Kise, Ed.D. is an organizational consultant and author of over 25 books. She works with businesses and schools in the United States and several other countries. Her specific work with type includes applying the framework to education, coaching, spirituality, leadership, personal development, and more.  

Ann C Holm is a professional certified coach specialising in executive, career, and personal development and branding. Ann is an MBTI Master Practitioner and is known for her extensive experience in the MBTI Step III. She helps clients connect the dots by looking at themselves through multiple lenses.
Typing From Afar: Catherine the Great While ethics say, “Let people decide their types for themselves,” we all type from afar. Type experts, real and professed “read” types, spot type in movie and book characters, and speculate about the preferences of public figures. So how do you do it accurately? Ethically? We’ll use Catherine the Great by Robert Massie as a case study. Why a long-ago Russian empress and her consorts? Because you can’t make up better stories with so many tantalizing type clues! We guarantee it will be a lively conversation as the presenters actually don’t agree on who is which type for our case study. Read Massie’s book in advance to be super prepared.
1:30-2:30pm AEDTAlex MacFarlane  
Alex MacFarlane is a clinical and consultant psychologist specialised in the application of psychological type and temperament as a core therapeutic tool in clinical practice and consulting. Her work has involved private practice, teaching, training, research and consulting. Her ongoing PhD studies the relationship of psychological type and pathways to optimal functioning.    
Type and Exploring Personal Growth Pathways  
Research regarding optimal human personal development has identified specific steps regarding this form of growth process experienced in one way or another by all humans. In an opposite vein, the research regarding the human deficiencies and dysfunctions we want to overcome indicates these crippling factors are individualised, not experienced by all, and are dependent on nature (our inborn cognitive preferences) and our nurture. This session will broadly outline dysfunctions typical for each psychological type and the overarching steps involved in optimal growth. It will then set about, by group discussion, to explore our individual lived experiences in this process.
2:45 – 3:45pm AEDTMary McGuiness  
Mary McGuiness has 30 years’ experience teaching Jungian Psychological Type theory and training professionals to use Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Majors Personality Type Inventory. Mary is Director of the Institute for Type Development and was on the founding committee of AusAPT, serving two years as National President. She is author of best-seller ‘You’ve Got Personality’.  
Jung’s Type and Development over his Lifetime  
Was Carl Jung’s Type INTJ or INTP? This has been debated in the Type community for some time. We will examine evidence from Jung’s life, his writings, his work and from people who knew him personally, that points to his personality Type. We will also explore the changes in Jung as he developed through midlife and beyond. In this session we will look at the question of how can you identify a person’s Type, particularly an historical figure or a celebrity. We will also look how an understanding of one’s Type can influence the individuation process.
4:15 – 5:15pm AEDTAngelina Bennet
Dr Angelina Bennet is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Director of iPotential Ltd, a psychological consultancy, and Type Pro Ltd, type qualification training program providers. She is the author of Shadows of Type: Psychological Type through Seven Levels of Development, and is a frequent presenter at Type conferences around the world.
The Wisdom of Type
What is wisdom? In addition, how does wisdom show up in Type? In this session, Angelina will present an aspect of her doctoral research that focused on perceptions of individual effectiveness, the definition of effectiveness, and how this is connected to wisdom and the later stages of personal development. We will look at the characteristics of wise and effective individuals and how this may be expressed through type, and consider how to facilitate development to being out these qualities. During the session, we will try out some practical ‘ego bypass’ coaching methods, and discuss our own experiences of seeing the wisdom of type in action.

Saturday 7 November

9:00 – 10:00am AEDTSue Blair  
Sue has been working with psychological type for over 18 years. She is an international presenter and keynote speaker, as well as an MBTI practitioner and adult educator. She is author of The Personality Puzzle coaching cards, used by coaches and counsellors worldwide. She has taught thousands of teachers, parents, students and businesses about the importance of self-awareness and communication.  
Learning and Thriving: Guided by Type  
Everyone knows someone who has struggled through the education system. The reasons for this are many and varied but the patterns we can see through the application of Type in the learning environment are proven, consistent and thought provoking. They are also somewhat alarming! As Type professionals we have the resources available to us to make a difference. This session will outline the challenges that exist and explore ways we can navigate the issues to find learning solutions that are diverse and effective.
10:15 – 11:15amSuzanne Cremen  
Dr Suzanne Cremen worked in over 25 occupations including lawyer, screenwriter, publisher and career counsellor before earning her PhD in depth psychology. She serves as faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute (USA), founded the Life Artistry Centre for Archetype, Imagination and Vocation (Australia), and is the author of From Career to Calling (Routledge).
Soul-making Work in Dark Times: A Jungian View  
Drawing on Jungian depth psychology, this session outlines a new approach to questions of work, career and calling in the current era, through engaging with symbol, metaphor and imagination. Traditional career development practices tend to be biased towards Sensation and Thinking functions. Bringing a symbolic perspective to work can awaken imagination and shift perception of the vocational journey as more than a paycheck, but an opus of the soul. Individuals with a preference for Intuition are particularly suited to a vocational guidance approach which values the creative unconscious and imaginative potential, but at different life stages this approach may be valuable for all psychological types.
11:45am – 12:45pmSterling Bates  
Sterling’s combination of technology, mathematics, business, marketing, OD & psychological types provides the ideal background for founding Step Research, a psychology software research and development company. Sterling Bates was previously at Disney for more than 13 years. He has worked with professional sports teams, corporations and everything in between and has been on the APTi board of directors for 4 years.
Using Virtual Type and the Z Model to Thrive  
Discover a new way to see, show and explain type like never before. Visual Type is a visual diagram for each type. Using both Myers-Briggs type and Jungian functions in a way that makes preferences crystal clear to new users and teams. Visual Type lets people thrive by seeing where they, and their team, prefer to spend their time and how it affects their decisions when combined with the 8 function Z model process. Step Research has pioneered a new way to visualize Myers-Briggs types, Jungian functions and how it fits together for a person and a team.
1:15 – 2:15pm AEDTBrian Lawrence  
Brian has worked internationally in the educational, corporate and diplomatic sectors for over 15 years. He has delivered consulting assignments to public and private sector organisations in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore/South East Asia, The United Kingdom, The United States and The United Arab Emirates. He has been an MBTI Certification Trainer, Leadership Facilitator, Coach.    
Dancing with Your Inner Wolves: Understanding and Developing your Eight Inner Heroes
Imagine your personality as the primal forces that govern how you perceive the world, decide on your life trail, where you get your energy, how you relate to people. This is the story of personality type as you know it framed in a more powerful, natural essence – the story of your Inner Wolves. Get to know your eight ‘Heroes’ and how they operate in the world. Find out how to tame them to become a more versatile, flexible, holistic human being. Brian will demonstrate how we can understand both our Conscious Wolves as well as our Unconscious, ‘Shadow Wolves’.

We look forward to connecting with you at the AusAPT 2020 online conference!

Any questions? Contact us at conference@ausapt.org.au.

Conference full price for Guests at $100, or $75 as a member, or secure your Conference + Membership ticket now as a new member for just $125 HERE (this is 50% off the normal annual membership fee which goes from 1 July to 30 June each year.)

$75 – $125 Prices available for guests and members in our Shop

You can read about the benefits of joining AusAPT HERE.


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The Deep Dive Series Episode 4: How to close the influence gap in our interactions – with Catherine Stothart

interaction stylesAusAPT is excited to share the fourth episode in The Deep Dive Series of videos in advance of the AusAPT 2019 Conference in Melbourne, 22-23 November.AusAPT National President, Joshua Knight, interviews Catherine Stothart, author of How to Get on With Anyone. The focus is how to close the influence gap and the cues and miscues in how we interact with others. Catherine is presenting a session at the AusAPT 2019 Conference on Closing the Influence Gap: How Type helps you get on better with yourself and others as well as leading a half-day workshop on ‘Tips and Tools for Using Interaction Styles.Overview of conference session: How (more…)
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Closing the Influence Gap with Interaction Styles

interaction stylesCatherine Stothart joins us from the UK for the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 plus a post-conference workshop ‘Tips and Tools for Using Interaction Styles’.The workshop is an opportunity to experience the process Catherine uses when introducing Interaction Styles to her coaching and team clients.  Interaction Styles is a practical tool for emotional intelligence and its unique value lies in linking outer behaviour with inner drives and stressors.  It helps people understand how their emotions work when they interact with others, and how to adapt their behaviour to connect better.  People get it quickly and can apply the insights (more…)