Vic End of Year Event: Female Spies in Film with Peter Malone

December 5, 2024 @ 6:30 pm 9:00 pm AEDT

AusAPT Victoria End of Year Event: for members and friends.

Film Reviewer PETER MALONE will present PART B: Female SPIES and undercover operatives in film, with film clips and discussion of personality, type, and who makes a successful spy.

Entry is a plate or bottle to share.

TIME: 6.30pm for nibbles, 7pm – 9pm

BOOK: with Meredith via email on via Facebook or text if already connected.

Free Free for members and guests, but bring plate or bottle to share

AusAPT Victoria

View Organiser Website

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia

Spy Films and Undercover Agents – with Peter Malone

September 21, 2024 @ 1:45 pm 4:30 pm AEST

We will look at all the Jungian attitudes and functions  and see how helpful or unhelpful they would be undercover – and see which profiles might be best for successful spying.

About Peter Malone

Peter has been reviewing movies since 1968, Working with Type since 1978, has published books on type, Hagar, Movies and reviews in the Type Magazines in Australia, US and the UK.

TIME:  1.45pm for 2pm sharp

ENTRY: please bring a plate or bottle to share

RSVP please to Meredith Fuller

Free Free for members and guests

AusAPT Victoria

View Organiser Website

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia

All about Type and Addiction – with Brian Walsh

September 12, 2024 @ 6:30 pm 9:30 pm AEST

Short documentary and stimulating discussion on ‘Heroin: Addictionary’ and Type and Addiction with Brian Walsh, psychologist/filmmaker.

About Brian Walsh

Brian Walsh is a psychologist psychotherapist and documentary film maker in his private practice since 1990. He has Professional Training in Somatic Psychotherapy, and prior background in Rehabilitation Services as practitioner and manager.

TIME: 6.30pm for 7pm

ENTRY: bring a plate or bottle pre-film & post film talk

Please RSVP to Meredith Fuller

Free Free for members and guests

AusAPT Victoria

View Organiser Website

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia

Victorian AusAPT End of Year Function

December 7, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 10:00 pm AEDT

Join us for an end of year gathering in Melbourne. There will be a mystery guest and an opportunity to catch up with AusAPT friends and celebrate.

Bring:    A plate or bottle to share

Please RSVP by contacting Meredith Fuller by email

Free Free for members and guests.

AusAPT Victoria

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia

Personality Instruments: what to select and how they can assist

April 13, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 9:30 pm AEST

Adam Le Good & Rod Winning present Personality instruments, what to select and how they can assist in a practical, useful, fun evening with two top trainers, includes video.

While the focus will be on consultants, Human Resources & Organisational Development & Training and Development professionals who are most likely to be organising these interventions, the session will have applicability for anyone who is curious about what various instruments do and do not do, and how to select according to group needs. Adam and Rod will also provide information about the way that results and familiarity with the instrument’s results may lead to problem solving, coaching, counselling, and training with groups and organisations.

Adam and Rod have a series of videos in production entitled ‘Personality and Behaviour’ explaining that instruments are either essentially personality or behaviour identifiers, behaviour being an outcome of personality and context. The video series will be useful to a wide range of practitioners, students, HR & OD & consultants.

The first episode has been completed.  It is a broad level overview which compares the following instruments – MBTI, Herrmann, TMS, Belbin, Enneagram, DISC Advanced. It is not rating them, more looking for areas where they are best suited or perhaps not suited for.  They have interviewed practitioners from peak bodies in each of these styles. 

About the presenters

Adam Le Good

Adam Le Good has been working in Learning and Development for over 30 years and has been the director of Fundamental Training and Development since 1995. He designs and delivers management and personal development programs for a wide variety of clients throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Specialising in Leadership, Customer Service, Team Building, Project Management and many more, he often incorporates Behavioural and Personality instruments into his programs and is accredited to use MBTI, MBTI Step II, HBDI, DISC Advanced, Team Management Systems, the Belbin Team Roles and CCS Cards

With a degree in Psychology and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, he uses his knowledge of human behaviour, practical applications of management principles and theory and a humorous and theatrical style to ensure participants enjoy their learning experience and are able to translate their newly acquired skills to their life and work.

He has been a member of AusAPT since 2019 and has recently taken on the role of General Manager of the Institute for Learning and Performance’s Academy where he oversees the introduction of the Certificate IV in Learning Design and Facilitation and is writing a module for this qualification entitled ‘Apply Psychometric Profiling Tools to Learning.’

For more information go to or connect with him on LinkedIn:

Rod Winning

Rod’s QUALS and BIO can be viewed on he is certified in NeuroLeadership and a qualified counsellor/coach as well as a film maker with decades of experience. He has an extensive background in training and has been a management development specialist for companies like Honda. His most recent film HOME TRUTHS produced with Lesley Coleman is about family violence. This film has won 9 international awards, and was made as a community service to be distributed free to individuals and organisations; go to to view and download. In addition to filming, editing, and co-producing Rod has also been involved in creating the accompanying e-books with Meredith Fuller (short and long versions).

Free Free for AusAPT members and guests

AusAPT Victoria

View Organiser Website

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia

Depth Typology – Exploring Beebe’s ideas with Ian Ball

November 27, 2021 @ 2:00 pm 4:00 pm AEDT


The workshop draws on Mark Hunziker’s book Depth Typology. We will look at the way the eight archetypes affect how the eight function-attitudes are expressed within an individual psyche. We will do some exercises about the sixteen types that illustrate why we sometimes feel drawn to or have potential conflict issues with people of differing type preferences. We will explore the ideas about the significance of one’s shadow type and one’s opposite type.

About Ian Ball:

Ian is a Life Member of AusAPT and managed the Psychological Type Research Unit for 22 years. He has published research on type in both Australian and International journals and at conferences. A major project was the creation of a model of the distribution of types in the Australian working population using census data. He is a retired Associate Professor from Deakin University, and is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society.

Ian Ball
Ian Ball

This is an in person event in Melbourne.

To book for the event:

Contact AusAPT at or Meredith Fuller directly.

Free Free for Members

$10 payable on the day for non-members.

Webinar: Art Exploration: Outside In and Inside Out

art exploration

September 23, 2020 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm AEST

An online event via Zoom.

Join artist Julie Andrews for an art exploration looking at ‘outside in’ and ‘inside out’ feelings and experiences. Julie’s session at the 2019 AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne was so well received – we are excited to share this session with you this month. You need to some preparation though – read below!

Agenda for the session:

  • 6:30 –7:00 pm Sensate Drawing Exercise – drawing what you see – noticing the outside world
  • 7:00 –7:30 pm Exploring a found object – drawing what you feel – exploring the inside world
  • 7:30 –7:45 pm Debrief – Close


  • Before the workshop go for a walk and find a small object that appeals to you – something you find interesting, special/symbolic for you and that you can bring along to the workshop. Bring some blank paper at least A4 size, ink pen, graphite and coloured pencils, pencil sharpener and an eraser.

About Julie Andrews

Julie Andrews has a multi-disciplinary practice encompassing private studio work and public art. With a Masters of Analytical Psychology, for the last 20 years, she has led a consultancy business focused on supporting healthy organisational and creative cultures.  With a special interest in art in public spaces, she has worked as an Artist, Community Public Art Officer with councils in Victoria and undertaken a number of large public art projects.

art exploration

This event is sponsored by the Victorian AusAPT Chapter and is open to all. Register for this event in advance to get the Zoom link.

Free Free online event, open to all.


The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia


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A Dispassionate Look at Type and Emotion…Continued with Peter Geyer

February 13, 2020 @ 6:30 pm 9:30 pm AEDT

Join the Victorian AusAPT community for an updated, spontaneously presented version of Peter Geyer’s recent Conference session on Type and Emotion. Psychological type and emotions are not merely topics for questionnaires; they represent particular aspects of personality within a range of interpretations, especially for emotions. These differences for both type and emotion are explained in this session, as well as how emotions can play out in a type context.

Event FREE for AusAPT Members. There is a cover charge of $10.00 for non-financial members and guests towards refreshments.

RSVP Essential. Please email Meredith Fuller: 

About the presenter, Peter Geyer:

Peter Geyer has been researching, studying and teaching psychological type, Jung and the MBTI for 30 years. The AusAPT Type Research and Practice Collection custodian, his interests include what Jung, Myers et al said and did; and consciousness, personality, language and society. Peter is an AusAPT life member, APTi lifetime member, and a former type accreditor.

The Epicentre

427 Glen Eira Rd
CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria 3161 Australia