November 14, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am Australia/Sydney
C.G. Jung’s theories of archetype and psychological type are seminal works underlying the psychic structure of personality in individuals. In this session, an analysis of a large correlational study with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) instrument and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI) assessment will be presented, analyzed, and discussed. We will attempt to weave theories (e.g., Jung, Hillman, Pearson, Beebe, Hunziker) with the empirical data to discover together how archetypes and psychological types complement, challenge, and deepen one another.
Kesstan Blandin Yvonne Nelson-Reid
Kesstan Blandin
Kesstan Blandin, PhD is the VP, Research & Development for the Center for Applications of Psychological Type in Gainesville FL, where she oversees research for Jungian assessments on type (MBTI/MMTIC) and archetype (PMAI). For several years, Kesstan was an academic professor and researcher in a graduate psychology program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in CA and at the Dartmouth Centers for Health & Aging in NH. She has published on psychological type, archetypes, and dementia.
Yvonne Nelson-Reid
Yvonne Nelson-Reid, PhD, is the Senior Development Associate at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT®), a mother of 5, writer, teacher, depth psychologist – Jungian and archetypal studies (MA, PhD), and career coach. Yvonne’s MA in Educational Research focused on Jungian theory where her thesis explored insights into the MBTI® assessment. As a certified MBTI® (master practitioner) and certified MMTIC® professional, she uses typology as a tool for helping others understand differences and communicate more effectively.
This session is part of the AusAPT Online 2021 Conference. It’s just $100AU for AusAPT members, ILP members and APT reciprocal members and $150AU for guests for all 21 sessions.
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