November 20, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm AEDT

AusAPT pre-conference on HANDscapes and Type with Liz Hallows – free to conference participants.
Join in HANDscapes Action Research using your Palm Prints & Photos to compare YOU with Type-alike hands common to your MBTI® preference code. Liz’s day workshop focuses on C.G. Jung’s unique understanding of two opposite attitude orientations embedded in our Judging cognition, he called Rational Extraverted and Rational Introverted.
Your knowledge of the Jungian concepts is central to her HANDscapes brain-in-the -body research method so clear definitions describing the Judging function orientations are provided. This is your opportunity to explore and share how you consciously use your Judging function – Extraverted and Introverted.
To prepare, please bring your Questionnaire results with Best-fit Type Review. Review via Google medical sites teaching “Nerve Enervation in the Hand”, “Bones in the Hand”, and “Palmar Crease Lines in Fetus Development”.
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm – but come at 8.30am if you need your palms inked
BOOKINGS: Essential. Please email Meredith Fuller: meredithfuller56@gmail.com
About your presenter, Liz Hallows, MEd (Counselling)
Since 1969 (maybe due to the moon landing) I am passionate about observing Primate hands from around the world where I have lived. I have pondered how science could investigate correlations with Character assessments and Body features. In 1997 I designed my HANDscapes Research Method to pass my Masters in Education degree at QUT! I set out to prove the null hypothesis: No hand feature out of a possible 235 could correlate with character assessment as set out in Palmistry claims. Since cognition underpins our behaviours, I regarded the Jungian theory as best approach. Since the MBTI® and related questionnaires sort cognition preferences, I chose them to use as the best, most validated global research tool to correlate with permanent hand features. After 21 years of collecting Volunteer palm prints along with their MBTI® self-validated Results, I have one feature, our Upper Transverse Crease, as a significant indicator of Jung’s theory stating we have a directional orientation in our judging function. To add to HANDscapes database, please email me with clearly focused palm photos of your clients/family and their Type scores and clarity of preferences. EMAIL: hallowshandscapes@yahoo.com.