Tim Van Milligan (ISTJ) joins us for the AusAPT 2021 Talking Type Together Online Conference to speak on Increasing ‘Your Sales Using Personality Type’. He provides an overview of his conference presentation topic here.
Tim is a business owner, entrepreneur and conference speaker based out of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. He is also an author of several books on copywriting and marketing, including the books: “Selling by Personality Type,” “Emotional Copywriting Revealed,” and “Selling Yourself: Advanced Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job.” He endorses the practical application of personality temperament to the world of sales and marketing, showing how to meet the customers needs by engaging their natural personality.
The essence of selling is simple: “Find out what the customer wants, and then give it to them.”
The hard part in this is finding out what they really want.
Where does personality fit into the selling process?
The discovery which literally changed my life and which I’ll share with you, is that “personality temperament” allows us to quickly and efficiently find out what the customer wants. If you know what they want, you can complete the sales process quickly. That opens up your schedule, so you can help more people. And that is the formula for increasing your sales – simply speed up the process so you have the opportunity to help more people with what they need.
Other sales trainers that promote the use of personality in sales, talk about the process of mimicking the behavior of the prospect. In other words, mirror your prospect’s social style. Unfortunately, that takes a long time, and it does not get to what they really want.
In this session, we’ll be discussing the stuff that is important to customers (called their values), and I’ll reveal to you how these values are linked directly to a person’s personality temperament. This link is the vital shortcut that we need to close sales faster. The change we need to make is that the first part of the sales process simply becomes finding out their personality temperament. Once you’ve typed a person, you have instant access to a list of their values, and you then can simply offer up to them those things. You don’t have to mimic the other person’s temperament… You just show how your offer conforms to their values and what they want.
As an ISTJ, I’m all about real-world, concrete systems that follow a step-by-step process. While a strategic discussion of sales is always appreciated, I prefer to have a simple roadmap that yields predictable results. Because of this philosophy, you will receive practical tactical steps, based on personality temperament that are easy to implement, and that are guaranteed to speed up the process, and hence they can increase your sales. Topics that will be covered include:
- The hidden link between values and behavior.
- The two drivers by which people make a decision.
- The four categories of values and why it is important to distinguish the differences between them.
- Setting up the sales situation by giving the prospect what they value most.
- How to generate instant rapport with your prospect.
- Quickly typing your prospects – the four steps when typing others that reveal their personality temperament. You can even type them on the phone, by email, or what they post online.
- The additional link between values to human emotions.
- How to avoid triggering the wrong emotions in the buying situation.
Using personality theory is by far the most “customer centric” method of persuasion there is. Why? Because it always revolves around those values that the customer has and needs to have fulfilled. There is no manipulation in the process, because the customer always gets what they desire. The customer is at ease and happy since there are no pushy sales techniques used in order to close the sale. Instead of something to be dreaded, selling can become an enjoyable activity of simply guiding or facilitating customers along a journey to a better future.
Put this session on your list of “can’t miss” events that you have to attend during the AusAPT conference. It is the one that will make a big financial impact on your next twelve months. Come prepared to take notes, as there are no handouts.
This session is part of the AusAPT Online 2021 Conference.
It’s just $100AU for current financial AusAPT members, APT and ILP members and $150AU for guests – for all 21 sessions.
You can find the full conference program and details here:
Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels