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Victorian AusAPT End of Year Function

The Epicentre, Caulfield North 427 Glen Eira Rd, Caulfield North, Victoria

Join us for an end of year gathering in Melbourne. There will be a mystery guest and an opportunity to catch up with AusAPT friends and celebrate.Bring:    A plate or bottle to sharePlease RSVP by contacting Meredith Fuller by email


Personality Dis-orders with Nicholas Toko

Nicholas Toko will present on the personality organisation of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and the personality disorders known as the ‘Schizophrenias’ and where these dis-orders lie on the introversion and extraversion spectrum.He will discuss ‘Personality gone awry’, behavioural characteristics of BPD, NPD and the schizophrenias, how a personality disorder is diagnosed […]


Type in Tokyo, 2024: Encounters through the lens of type

A cross-cultural and cross-generational experienceAusAPT and TypeLAB, Japan are excited to be co-hosting an International Type Conference in Tokyo, Japan, 2-4 April, 2024.TypeLAB is a mother's community centred around growth and self-awareness headed up by AusAPT Management Committee member and MBTI Master Practitioner, Harumi GondoWe are honoured to work in partnership with Harumi and TypeLab […]


I don’t know anything about Art, but I know what I like – Don Kampf

The Epicentre 427 Glen Eira Rd, CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria, Australia

'I don't know anything about Art, but I know what I like.' This seems a fair statement, and I wonder if Type strongly influences peoples' likes or dislikes in Art?Everyone has their own personal take on art in its many different forms. Some people are attracted to beauty, while others enjoy the darker side of the […]


Should I Laugh or Cry? Exploring the Impact of the fourth (‘inferior’) function with Andrew Mountford

The Epicentre, Caulfield North Caulfield North, Victoria, Australia

Should I Laugh or Cry? Exploring the Impact of the fourth ('inferior') mental function as expressed in an individual's personality (psychological) type.Carl Jung observed that an orderly progression emerges for most people in relation to four mental functions based on Perception and Judgement. Isabel Myers developed the MBTI® to implement Jung's theory of type.Perception is about […]


All about Type and Addiction – with Brian Walsh

The Epicentre 427 Glen Eira Rd, CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria, Australia

Short documentary and stimulating discussion on 'Heroin: Addictionary' and Type and Addiction with Brian Walsh, psychologist/filmmaker.About Brian WalshBrian Walsh is a psychologist psychotherapist and documentary film maker in his private practice since 1990. He has Professional Training in Somatic Psychotherapy, and prior background in Rehabilitation Services as practitioner and manager.TIME: 6.30pm for 7pmENTRY: bring a […]


Two Sides of the Same Coin: Parenting excellence for the child and the adult – Elizabeth Murphy

A Type and Parenting course presented by world-renowned type and parenting expert, Elizabeth Murphy, in partnership with AusAPT. Four x 90 minute sessions each month over four months. Learn strategies for parenting by looking at both child and adult perspectives through the lens of type.Free for AusAPT members. $50AU for guests. Also free for ILP […]


Spy Films and Undercover Agents – with Peter Malone

The Epicentre 427 Glen Eira Rd, CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria, Australia

We will look at all the Jungian attitudes and functions  and see how helpful or unhelpful they would be undercover - and see which profiles might be best for successful spying.About Peter MalonePeter has been reviewing movies since 1968, Working with Type since 1978, has published books on type, Hagar, Movies and reviews in the […]


The Heart of Personality Type – Tips, Tools & Theories for Practitioners

Rydges Sydney Central Hotel 28 Albion St, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

The 2024 AusAPT Sydney Conference is in person at the Rydges Sydney Central Hotel in October.The theme is: The Heart of Personality Type: Tips, Tools & Theories for Practitioners.This is a Type Practitioners’ Conference getting to what is core and new in psychological type.Program and PresentersThe 2024 AusAPT conference, in central Sydney, will comprise two […]


Vic End of Year Event: Female Spies in Film with Peter Malone

The Epicentre 427 Glen Eira Rd, CAULFIELD NORTH, Victoria, Australia

AusAPT Victoria End of Year Event: for members and friends.Film Reviewer PETER MALONE will present PART B: Female SPIES and undercover operatives in film, with film clips and discussion of personality, type, and who makes a successful spy.Entry is a plate or bottle to share.TIME: 6.30pm for nibbles, 7pm - 9pmBOOK: with Meredith via email […]
