AusAPT 2020 National Conference

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The Magic Diamond: Coaching Type Development – Dario Nardi

Online Event

How can we really encourage people to attend to type development? Traditionally, opposites are shown along a spectrum, implying people find a balancing point. But Jung observed a “transcendent” function that is a novel “alchemical” synthesis of opposites, leading to a new result. In this workshop, we use a Magic Diamond shape with four facets, […]

$75 – $125

Flawless Facilitation in a Virtual World for All Types – Susan Nash

Online Event

Facilitating in a virtual environment brings new challenges. How can you cater for all types in an increasingly online world? You will learn relevant knowledge, core skills and innovative techniques to help ensure every session you facilitate “lands” successfully and that all Types engage in the learning journey in a virtual environment. You will learn […]

$75 – $125

Typing from Afar: Catherine the Great – Jane Kise + Ann Holm

Online Event

Typing From Afar: Catherine the GreatWhile ethics say, “Let people decide their types for themselves,” we all type from afar. Type experts, real and professed “read” types, spot type in movie and book characters, and speculate about the preferences of public figures. So how do you do it accurately? Ethically? We’ll use Catherine the Great by Robert […]

$75 – $125

Type and Exploring Personal Growth Pathways – Alex MacFarlane

Online Event

Research regarding optimal human personal development has identified specific steps regarding this form of growth process experienced in one way or another by all humans. In an opposite vein, the research regarding the human deficiencies and dysfunctions we want to overcome indicates these crippling factors are individualised, not experienced by all, and are dependent on […]

$75 – $125

Jung’s Type and Development over his Lifetime – Mary McGuiness

Online Event

Was Carl Jung’s Type INTJ or INTP? This has been debated in the Type community for some time. We will examine evidence from Jung’s life, his writings, his work and from people who knew him personally, that points to his personality Type. We will also explore the changes in Jung as he developed through midlife […]

$75 – $125

The Wisdom of Type – Angelina Bennet

Online Event

What is wisdom? In addition, how does wisdom show up in Type? In this session, Angelina will present an aspect of her doctoral research that focused on perceptions of individual effectiveness, the definition of effectiveness, and how this is connected to wisdom and the later stages of personal development. We will look at the characteristics […]

$75 – $125

Learning and Thriving: Guided by Type – Sue Blair

Everyone knows someone who has struggled through the education system. The reasons for this are many and varied but the patterns we can see through the application of Type in the learning environment are proven, consistent and thought provoking. They are also somewhat alarming! As Type professionals we have the resources available to us to […]

$75 – $125

Soul-making Work in Dark Times: A Jungian View – Suzanne Cremen

Online Event

Drawing on Jungian depth psychology, this session outlines a new approach to questions of work, career and calling in the current era, through engaging with symbol, metaphor and imagination. Traditional career development practices tend to be biased towards Sensation and Thinking functions. Bringing a symbolic perspective to work can awaken imagination and shift perception of […]

$75 – $125

Using Visual Type and the Z Model to Thrive – Sterling Bates

Online Event

Discover a new way to see, show and explain type like never before. Visual Type is a visual diagram for each type. Using both Myers-Briggs type and Jungian functions in a way that makes preferences crystal clear to new users and teams, visual Type lets people thrive by seeing where they, and their team, prefer […]

$75 – $125