We wish to advise some changes to the AusAPT Management Committee over recent months.
Kerry Gubb advised us in December 2021 that he would unfortunately no longer be continuing as Vice President, IT and Web Support Officer and Committee member into 2022. We wish to acknowledge the immense contribution of Kerry to AusAPT over many years, including as relieving President in 2020 and his IT and web support work. Kerry’s skill and expertise has been a key reason we could make the shift to virtual delivery and shape a responsive web presence. He has been a valued member of the team and we appreciated his can-do attitude and personal support of many. We have particularly appreciated Kerry’s support as co-facilitator/chief tech wizard of our 2020 and 2021 online conferences. We wish Kerry all the best and thank him sincerely for his tireless work for AusAPT in many capacities.

Andrew Mountford has stepped back into the Secretary role after a period away from this role. We are grateful to Andrew for rejoining the committee as an experienced Secretary and former President who has experience in many committee roles. Andrew also led the conference team that shaped our very successful 2019 Melbourne conference. The vitality and future of AusAPT depends on the efforts of members including those who volunteer to be part of the Management Committee of AusAPT. So it’s fabulous to have Andrew back on the Committee team to provide input on AusAPT strategic directions, member priorities and events with all of his experience and enthusiasm for AusAPT. A key point of contact for members, Andrew will focus on strategies for growing member benefits and our membership.

Vacancies remain on the committee for Victoria/Tasmania and Queensland/WA/SA/NT, and we welcome interest in these positions. IT/web support is a priority need if anyone has these skills and would be interested in helping us out.
Here is an update of the Management Committee. There are still a few positions available and we would love you to join us to help ensure a positive and exciting future for AusAPT and its members.
President | Terri Connellan |
Treasurer | Philip Kerr |
Secretary | Andrew Mountford |
NSW/ACT Regional Representative | Ellen Owen |
International Regional Representative | Harumi Gondo |
Victorian/Tasmanian Regional Representative | Vacant |
Queensland, WA, SA, NT Regional Representative | Vacant |
We invite expressions of interest from current members in the available positions. These positions are for the current cycle of the committee which is until our 2022 AGM in the latter part of this year.
Please contact us at info@ausapt.org.au if interested. We are happy to chat with you about the roles and welcome your questions.
You can also read the Position Descriptions of each of the positions here:
All of the roles assist in building on the positive base established in recent times including repositioning AusAPT in an increasingly virtual environment, growing our membership and partnerships, adding further value for members and streamlining our operations.
The success of our recent online conferences demonstrates how AusAPT can reshape its practices and ways of working, invite connection and foster type learning nationally and globally.
So if you are passionate about type, enjoy working with a proactive team to make things happen in new environments, love to see people connect and talk at type events and want to see a positive future for AusAPT – we’d love to hear from you.
We look forward to working together with you to shape a bright and connected future for AusAPT!
Terri Connellan
President, on behalf of the Management Committee