Due to immediate work commitments and for personal reasons, Joshua Knight has reluctantly stepped down from his position of National President. Under the AusAPT Constitution, a casual vacancy is able to be filled by the National Committee. Our Vice President, Kerry Gubb, has been appointed President of AusAPT – to serve in that role until the elections to be held as a part of the AGM of AusAPT (later this year). The positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer are all open to nominations this year as two-year terms will have been completed by our Secretary and Treasurer also.
We are happy that Joshua, to the extent that his other commitments allow, will be able to participate in our National Committee deliberations as a Committee Member.
We take this opportunity to thank Joshua for his wonderful contribution these past few years. We are heartened that the reduced workload which accompanies the role of Committee member will enable Joshua to remain an active contributor to AusAPT.