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The Deep Dive Series Episode 3: Type in Education, Learning Challenges + Misinterpretations with Sue Blair

type and educationAusAPT is excited to share the third episode in The Deep Dive Series of videos in advance of the AusAPT 2019 Conference in Melbourne, 22-23 November.AusAPT National President, Joshua Knight, interviews Sue Blair, Director of Personality Dynamics and author of The Personality Puzzle resources. The focus is educational settings, learning challenges and the impact of mismatch between teachers and learners and how type can provide solutions. Sue is presenting at the AusAPT 2019 Conference on Learning Challenges and Misinterpretations:Everyone knows someone who has struggled through the education system. There are many reasons for this, but the patterns we can see through the application of Type (more…)
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The Deep Dive Series Episode II: Type, Relationships and Family of Origin with Meredith Fuller + Brian Walsh

AusAPT is excited to share the second episode in The Deep Dive Series of videos in advance of the AusAPT 2019 Conference in Melbourne, 22-23 November.AusAPT National President, Joshua Knight, interviews Author and Psychologist, Meredith Fuller and Film-maker and Psychologist, Brian Walsh. The focus is our deep inner relationships with ourselves, our families and our intimate partners and how type interacts within our relationships and family of origin. Meredith and Brain are presenting together at the AusAPT 2019 Conference on LOVE: Family of ORIGIN and Partner Attraction:This activity and discussion-based session focuses on creating your Type Family of Origin Tree (who you grew up with (more…)
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The Deep Dive Series Episode I: Dysfunction in teams + what to do about it with Rhonda Sparks-Tranks

Rhonda Sparks-TranksAusAPT is excited to share the first episode in The Deep Dive Series of videos in advance of the AusAPT 2019 Conference in Melbourne, 22-23 November.AusAPT National President, Joshua Knight, interviews Hall of Fame Award-winning and Certified Professional Facilitator, Rhonda Sparks-Tranks. The focus is dysfunction in teams, misplaced mistrust and what to do about it. Rhonda Sparks-Tranks is presenting at the AusAPT 2019 Conference on Developing the “We and the I” with the KGI™ – using the Klein Group Instrument for Effective Leadership and Participation in Teams.This session explores how you can use this cost-effective, MBTI-correlated assessment instrument in counselling, (more…)
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Closing the Influence Gap with Interaction Styles

interaction stylesCatherine Stothart joins us from the UK for the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 plus a post-conference workshop ‘Tips and Tools for Using Interaction Styles’.The workshop is an opportunity to experience the process Catherine uses when introducing Interaction Styles to her coaching and team clients.  Interaction Styles is a practical tool for emotional intelligence and its unique value lies in linking outer behaviour with inner drives and stressors.  It helps people understand how their emotions work when they interact with others, and how to adapt their behaviour to connect better.  People get it quickly and can apply the insights (more…)
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If it sounds like, walks like, and talks like, it must be a ___________. Right?

Roger PearmanRoger Pearman joins us for a virtual session at the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 to present on ‘Evidence of the Validity of Type from Multi-Rater Data‘: “This is a virtual presentation of a summary report of 360 data collected from people around the globe to look at evidence of the validity of Type. The first public presentation of this information, the international TypeStudy Research Project was designed to collect both self-report and observer-report data which provides useful evidence for considering the validity of Type.”Roger provides this introduction to ‘Evidence of the Validity of Type from Multi-Rater Data‘ as background for his presentation (more…)
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Learning Challenges and Misinterpretations

type + parentingSue Blair joins us at the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 from New Zealand to present on ‘Learning Challenges and Misinterpretations‘: “Everyone knows someone who has struggled through the education system. There are many reasons for this, but the patterns we can see through the application of Type are proven, consistent, thought-provoking and somewhat alarming! This session will outline the challenges and explore ways to navigate the issues to find diverse and effective solutions.  “Sue provides this introduction to ‘Learning Challenges and Misinterpretations‘ as background for her presentation in November. Learning Challenges and MisinterpretationsI believe that most people (more…)
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Taking Type Exercises from Good to Great

type exercisesJane Kise joins us at the AusAPT National Conference in Melbourne in November 2019 from the US to present on ‘Three Keys to Effective Type Exercises‘: “Making type visible through exercises is a key tool for helping individuals and teams improve ability to communicate, collaborate, and change. However, there’s a world of difference between conducting an exercise and facilitating it successfully to change people’s mindsets. We’ll explore how to choose the “right” exercise, form groups (especially when not all types are present), and debrief. “Jane provides this article on ‘Taking Type Exercises from Good to Great’  as background for her presentation in (more…)
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Type and Emotion: A Preliminary Investigation into Meaning and Relationship

type and emotionWe are excited to publish our first article on the new AusAPT website blog today. Over the next months, as we head towards the AusAPT National Conference in November in Melbourne, we will be featuring articles and thought pieces from our speakers. The AusAPT blog is a place for new and featured articles on type and its applications. We hope you will bookmark our website and return to read, learn and share articles on psychological type. Our first featured article is by Peter Geyer. Custodian of the AusAPT Type Research and Practice Collection and AusAPT Life Member, Peter will present (more…)